9. Adjourn, close the session. 10. Spring, take rise, have source or origin, proceed, originate, be produced. 11. Become hostile, take up arms, go to war, rebel, revolt. 12. Slope upward. 13. Happen, occur, come by chance. Rise, n.
1. Ascent, rising. 2. Elevation, elevated place, rising ground. 3. Source, origin, spring, beginning. 4. Increase, advance, augmentation. Risible, a.
1. Laughable, ridiculous, droll, ludicrous, comical, funny, farcical, amusing. 2. Producing laughter (as certain muscles). Rising, n.
1. Ascent, rise. 2. Reviving, resurrection. 3. Insurrection, rebellion, sedition. 4. Swelling, tumor, boil. Risk, n. Danger, hazard, jeopardy, peril, exposure to harm.
Risk, v. a.
1. Hazard, peril, endanger, jeopard, jeopardize, put in peril, put to hazard, expose to danger.