Rush, n.
1. Straw, farthing, copper, trifle. 2. Driving on, violent course. 3. Eager demand, run. Rush, v. n. Career, push on, press on.
Rush out.
1. Issue, flow, flow out. 2. Press out, hurry out, go out with a rush. Russet, a.
1. Reddish-brown. 2. Coarse, rustic, homespun. Rust, n.
1. Hydrated peroxide of iron. 2. Mildew, blight, must, mustiness, mould. Rust, v. n.
1. Gather rust, become rusty, be oxidized. 2. Decay, degenerate, grow dull, become sluggish. Rustic, a.
1. Rural, country. 2. Countrified, unpolished, uncouth, clownish, inelegant, hoiden, hoidenish, rough, awkward, untaught,
rude, outlandish, boorish. 3. Simple, plain, coarse, unadorned, homely, countrified.