4. Protection, shelter, cover. 5. Color, hue, tint. 6. Degree, kind, variety, minute difference. 7. Ghost, spirit, apparition, spectre, phantom, manes, shadow. Shade, v. a.
1. Obscure, cloud, darken, eclipse, dim, obfuscate. 2. Screen, cover, protect, shelter. 3. Darken. 4. Shelter, hide, ensconce, protect, screen. Shades, n. pl. Hades, spirit-world, sheol, invisible world of the ancients.
Shadiness, n. Umbrageousness.
Shadow, n.
1. Shade, umbrage. 2. Darkness, obscurity, gloom, shade. 3. Shelter, cover, protection, security. 4. Image, adumbration, representation, prefiguration, foreshowing. 5. Spirit, ghost, shade, phantom. 6. Image, portrait, reflection. Shadow, v. a.
1. Shade. 2. Darken, obscure, cloud.