2. Separate, part. 3. Scrutinize, probe, fathom, sound, try, analyze, investigate, canvass, discuss, examine critically, look
into, follow up, inquire into. Sigh, n. Long breath.
Sigh, v. n. Grieve, mourn, complain, lament.
Sight, n.
1. Perception, view, ken, cognizance. 2. Vision, sense of sight. 3. Open view, visibility. 4. Knowledge, view, estimation, consideration. 5. Spectacle, show, exhibition, representation. 6. Inspection, examination. 7. Eye or eyes. Sight, v. a. See, perceive, get sight of.
Sightless, a. Blind, eyeless, unseeing.
Sightly, a.
1. Conspicuous, prominent, exposed to view. 2. Comely, handsome, beautiful. Sign, n.
1. Token, mark, note, indication, proof, index, symptom, manifestation, symbol, emblem. 2. Signal, beacon. 3. Prodigy, wonder, miracle, portent, augury, presage, prognostic, auspice, foreboding, omen.