4. Calmness, moderation, equanimity, composure, tranquillity. 5. Degree of hardness. 6. (Colloq.) Anger, passion, irritation, heat of mind. Tempera, n. (Painting.) Distemper.
Temperament, n. Constitution, temper, nature, organization, idiosyncrasy, habit.
Temperance, n.
1. Moderation, sobriety, soberness, self-control. 2. (Rare.) Patience, calmness, sedateness, contentment, moderation. Temperate, a.
1. Moderate. 2. Abstemious, moderate. 3. Chaste, continent. 4. Cool, calm, dispassionate, sedate, sober. Temperature, n. Degree of heat.
Tempest, n.
1. Storm, hurricane, gale, squall, tornado, violent wind (usually accompanied with rain, hail, or snow,
and sometimes with thunder and lightning). 2. Excitement, tumult, disturbance, commotion, turmoil, perturbation, violent outbreak. Tempestuous, a.
1. Stormy, windy, breezy, squally, gusty, blustering, boisterous. 2. Violent, turbulent, tumultuous, impetuous, stormy. Temple, n.
1. Fane.