Thick, a.
1. Not thin (in measure). 2. Dumpy, squab, squat, plump, bulky, solid. 3. Dense. 4. Dense, gross, inspissate, inspissated, grumous. 5. Misty, cloudy, foggy, hazy, dirty, vaporous, vapory. 6. Turbid, muddy, roiled. 7. Abundant, frequent, numerous, multitudinous. 8. Compact, crowded, close, closely set, dense. 9. Indistinct, inarticulate, confused. 10. Dull, not quick. 11. Dim, indistinct, weak. 12. (Colloq.) Intimate, familiar, neighborly, well-acquainted, friendly, hand and glove. Thick, n. Thickest part.
Thick, ad.
1. Frequently, fast, quick. 2. Densely, closely, thickly. 3. To a great depth. Thick and thin. Whatever is in the way, all obstacles, impediments.
Thicken, v. a.
1. Inspissate, make dense.