2. Authoritative prohibition, forbidding. Veto, v. a. Prohibit, forbid, negative, withhold assent to.
Vettura, n. [It.] Travelling carriage, post-chaise.
Vex, v. a.
1. Tease, torment, plague, harass, worry, harry, hector, distress, annoy, trouble, perplex, persecute,
cross, pother, gall, chafe, molest, pester, bother, badger. 2. Fret, irritate, provoke, displease, offend, nettle, try the patience of, affront, enchafe. 3. Disturb, disquiet, agitate, put in commotion. Vexation, n.
1. Irritation, chagrin, displeasure, mortification, trouble, disquiet, agitation, affliction, uneasiness, grief,
sorrow, distress, discomfort. 2. Torment, plague, trouble, annoyance, nuisance, curse, affliction. 3. Harassing by law, vexing, troubling, damage. Vexatious, a.
1. Troublesome, irritating, provoking, annoying, unpleasant, disagreeable, aggravating. 2. Distressing, harassing, troublesome, afflictive, painful, grievous, disturbing. 3. Troubled, anxious, uneasy, distressed, uncomfortable, comfortless, galling, burdensome, irksome. Vexed, a.
1. Irritated, plagued, worried, harassed, annoyed, troubled, provoked, disquieted. 2. Disputed, contested, in dispute, causing contention. Via, ad. [L.] (Colloq.) By way of.
Vial, n. Small bottle, phial.
Via Lactea. (Astron.) The Milky Way, the Galaxy.
Viameter, n. Odometer.