2. Bog, marsh, fen, quagmire, slough, morass, swamp.
    3. Lotion.
    4. Thin coating.

Wash away. Purify, cleanse.

Wash away. Wash off. Wash out. Remove by washing, take away by the action of water, drag off, draw off, carry off.

Washboard, n.

    1. Skirting-board, mop-board, base-board, surbase.
    2. (Naut.) Wasteboard.

Washerwoman, n. Laundress.

Washing, n. Ablution, lavation, bathing.

Wash one’s hands of. Exonerate one’s self from, clear one’s skirts from.

Washy, a.

    1. Watery, damp, moist, oozy, wet, sloppy.
    2. Weak, thin, dilute, watery.
    3. Vapid, trashy, spiritless, pointless, feeble, poor, unmeaning, trumpery, worthless, jejune, wishy-washy (colloq.).

Waspish, a.

    1. Irritable, irascible, petulant, snappish, pettish, snarly, peevish, captious, testy, fretful, splenetic, touchy, choleric.
    2. Slender, small-waisted, slim.

Wassail, n. Carousal, revelry, revels, saturnalia, debauch, orgies, potation, compotation, convivial entertainment, jollification, drunken bout.

Waste, v. a.

    1. Decrease, diminish, wear, corrode, use up, prey upon, wear away, consume, wear out, impair gradually, diminish by constant loss.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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