2. Inadequacy, scarcity, scarceness, scantiness, meagreness, shortness, defectiveness, failure, insufficiency,
deficiency, paucity, poverty. 3. Need, necessity, requirement, desideratum. 4. Desire, wish, craving, longing. 5. Poverty, indigence, penury, need, necessity, destitution, distress, straits, privation. Want, v. a.
1. Lack, be without, be destitute of, be in need of. 2. Require, need, have need of, have occasion for, stand in need of, cannot do without cannot dispense
with. 3. Desire, wish, crave, wish for, long for. 4. Fall short in, lack, be lacking in respect of. Want, v. n.
1. Lack, fail, be deficient, fall short, come short, be lacking. 2. Be missed, not to be present. 3. Omit, neglect, fail. Wanting, a.
1. Deficient, defective, lacking, absent. 2. Slack, deficient, backward, lacking. Wanton, a.
1. Wandering, loose, unrestrained, unchecked, free. 2. Luxuriant, exuberant, abounding, rank, rampant, overgrown. 3. Sportive, frolicsome, playful, gay, frisky, coltish, airy, skittish.