Warbler, n. Singer, songster.

War-cry, n. Whoop, war-whoop, battle-cry, slogan.

Ward, v. a.

    1. Watch, guard.
    2. Defend, protect.

Ward, v. n. Parry, act on the defensive.

Ward, n.

    1. Watch, guard, guardianship.
    2. Warden, keeper, defender, guardian.
    3. Custody, confinement.
    4. Defence, protection, garrison, defender, protector, means of guarding.
    5. (Law.) Pupil, minor (under guardianship).
    6. Division, district, quarter (of a town).
    7. Division, apartment.
    8. Guard (of a lock).

Warden, n. Keeper, guardian, warder, custodian, curator, superintendent.

Warder, n.

    1. Keeper, guardian, warden, guard.
    2. Truncheon, mace, staff of command.

Ward off. Fend off, repel, turn aside, parry, avert, forefend, keep off.

Wardrobe, n.

    1. Portable closet (for clothes).

  By PanEris using Melati.

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