6. (Colloq.) Rich, wealthy, forehanded, well-off, in good circumstance.

Warm, v. a.

    1. Heat (moderately), make warm.
    2. Animate, excite, rouse, waken, stir up.

Warm, v. n.

    1. Become warm.
    2. Become ardent, become animated.

Warm-hearted, a. Kind, affectionate, hearty, cordial, tender, kind-hearted.

Warmth, n.

    1. Glow, moderate heat.
    2. Ardor, zeal, fervor, fervency.
    3. Enthusiasm, earnestness, eagerness, heat, animation, excitement, vehemence, fervency, passion, intensity, spirit, cordiality.

Warn, v. a.

    1. Caution (against danger), premonish, forewarn, exhort to take heed, put on one’s guard.
    2. Admonish (with respect to some duty), advise.
    3. Inform, notify, apprise, disclose to, mention to, communicate to, make aware, make acquainted, give notice to, give warning.
    4. Summon, bid, call.

Warning, n.

    1. Caution (against danger).
    2. Admonition, advice, monition.
    3. Notice, notification.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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