(Burnells Reprint) p. 12.
1552.The Moors all were on foot, and their Captain was a valiant Turk, who
as being their Captain, for the honour of the thing was carried in an Andor on the shoulders of 4 men,
from which he gave his orders as if he were on horseback.Barros, II. vi. viii.
[1574.See quotation
under PUNDIT.]
1623.Della Valle describes three kinds of shoulder-borne vehicles in use at Goa: (1)
reti or nets, which were evidently the simple hammock, muncheel or dandy; (2) the andor; and (3)
the palankin. And these two, the palankins and the andors, also differ from one another, for in the
andor the cane which sustains it is, as it is in the reti, straight; whereas in the palankin, for the greater
convenience of the inmate, and to give more room for raising his head, the cane is arched upward like
this, W For this purpose the canes are bent when they are small and tender. And those vehicles are
the most commodious and honourable that have the curved canes, for such canes, of good quality and
strength to bear the weight, are not numerous; so they sell for 100 or 120 pardaos each, or about 60
of our scudi.P. della Valle, ii. 610.
c. 1760.Of the same nature as palankeens, but of a different
name, are what they call andolas.
these are much cheaper, and less esteemed.Grose, i. 155. ANDRUM, s. Malayal. andram. The form of hydrocele common in S. India. It was first described by
Kaempfer, in his Decas, Leyden, 1694. (See also his Amoenitates Exoticae, Fascic. iii. pp. 557
c. 1550.In the most eminent parts of it (Siam) are thick Forests of Angelin wood, whereof thousands
of ships might be made. Pinto, in Cogan, p. 285; see also p. 64.
1598.There are in India other
wonderfull and thicke trees, whereof Shippes are made: there are trees by Cochiin, that are called Angelina,
whereof certaine scutes or skiffes called Tones [Doney] are made.
it is so strong and hard a woode that
Iron in tract of time would bee consumed thereby by reason of the hardness of the woode. Linschoten,
ch. 58 [Hak. Soc. ii. 56].
1644.Another thing which this province of Mallavar produces, in abundance
and of excellent quality, is timber, particularly that called Angelim, which is most durable, lasting many
years, insomuch that even if you desire to build a great number of ships, or vessels of any kind.
you may
make them all in a year.Bocarro, MS. f. 315. ANGENGO, n.p. A place on the Travancore coast, the site of an old English Factory; properly said to be
Añju-tengu, Añchutennu, Malayal; the trivial meaning of which would be five cocoa-nuts. This name gives
rise to the marvellous rhapsody of the once famous Abbé Raynal, regarding Sternes Eliza, of which we
quote below a few sentences from the 3½ pages of close print which it fills.
Anjenge is a small Fort belonging to the English East India Company. There are about 40
Soldiers to defend it
most of whom are Topazes, or mungrel Portuguese.Lockyer, 199.
dAnjinga; tu nes rien: mais tu as donné naissance à Eliza. Un jour, ces entrepôts
ne subsisteront plus
si mes écrits ont quelque durée, le nom dAnjinga restera dans le mémoire des hommes
Anjinga, cest à
linfluence de ton heureux climat quelle devoit, sans doute, cet accord presquincompatible de volupté et
de décence qui accompagnoit toute sa personne, et qui se mêloit à tous ses mouvements, &c., &c.Hist.
Philosophique des Deux Indes, ii. 7273. ANICUT, s. Used in the irrigation of the Madras Presidency for the dam constructed across a river to fill
and regulate the supply of the channels drawn off from it; the cardinal work in fact of the great irrigation
systems. The word, which has of late years become familiar all over India, is the Tam. comp. anai-
kattu, Dam-building.
1776.Sir We have received your letter of the 24th. If the Rajah pleases to go to the Anacut, to
see the repair of the bank, we can have no objection, but it will not be convenient that you should leave
the garrison at present.Letter from Council at Madras to Lt.-Col. Harper, Comm. at Tanjore, in E. I.
Papers, 1777, 4to, i. 836.
1784.As the cultivation of the Tanjore country appears, by all the surveys
and reports of our engineers employed in that service, to depend altogether on a supply of water by the
Cauvery, which can only be secured by keeping the Anicut and banks in repair, we think it necessary
to repeat to you our orders of the 4th July, 1777, on the subject of these repairs.Desp. of Court of
Directors, Oct. 27th, as amended by Bd. of Control, in Burke, iv. 104.
1793.The Annicut is no doubt