stone, which gave me much paine most parte of night, as though 100 Wormes had byn knawing at my
hart; yet it gave me ease afterward.Cockss Diary, i. 301; [in i. 154 he speaks of beza stone].
claims the etymology just quoted from Teixeira, erroneously, as his own.Lib. iv. p. 47.
Persians then call this stone Pazahar, being a compound of Pa and Zahar, the first of which is
against, and the other is Poyson.Fryer, 238.
The Monkey Bezoars which are long, are the best.
1711.In this animal (Hog-deer of Sumatra, apparently a sort of chevrotain or Tragulus)
is found the bitter Bezoar, called Pedra di Porco Siacca, valued at ten times its Weight in Gold.Lockyer,
1826.What is spikenard? what is mumiai? what is pahzer? compared even to a twinkle
of a royal eye-lash?Hajji Baba, ed. 1835, p. 148.