which beareth a seede, whereof bruising out the sap, they put it into a cup, or other vessell, and give it
to their husbands, eyther in meate or drinke, and presently therewith the Man is as though hee were half
out of his wits.Linschoten, 60; [Hak. Soc. i. 209].
160810.Mais ainsi de mesme les femmes quand
elles sçauent que leurs maris en entretiennent quelquautre, elles sen desfont par poison ou
autrement, et se seruent fort à cela de la semence de Datura, qui est dvne estrange vertu. Ce Datura
ou Duroa, espece de Stramonium, est vne plante grande et haute qui porte des fleurs blanches en
Campane, comme le Cisampelo, mais plus grande.Mocquet, Voyages, 312.
[1610.In other parts
of the Indies it is called Dutroa.Pyrard de Laval, Hak. Soc. ii. 114.
[1621.Garcias ab Horto
mention of an hearb called Datura, which, if it be eaten, for 24 hours following, takes away all sense of
grief, makes them incline to laughter and mirth.Burton, Anatomy of Mel., Pt. 2, Sec. 5 Mem. I. Subs.
1673.Dutry, the deadliest sort of Solarium (Solanum) or Nightshade.Fryer, 32.
Make lechers and their punks with dewtry Commit fantastical advowtry. Hudibras, Pt. iii. Canto 1.
1690.And many of them (the Moors) take the liberty of mixing Dutra and
Water together to drink
which will intoxicate almost to Madness.Ovington, 235.
1810.The datura
that grows in every part of India.Williamson, V. M. ii. 135.
1874.Datura. This plant, a native of the
East Indies, and of Abyssinia, more than a century ago had spread as a naturalized plant through every
country in Europe except Sweden, Lapland, and Norway, through the aid of gipsy quacks, who used the
seed as anti-spasmodics, or for more questionable purposes.R. Brown in Geog. Magazine, i. 371.
Note.The statements derived from Hanbury and Flückiger in the beginning of this article disagree with
this view, both as to the origin of the European Datura and the identity of the Indian plant. The doubts
about the birthplace of the various species of the genus remain in fact undetermined. [See the discussion
in Watt, Econ. Dict. iii. 29 seqq.] 1