act of grace and benevolence of the great emperor Chandragupta.Inscription on Gateway at Sanchi
(Prinseps Essays, i. 246).
A.D. (?) Quelque temps après, à Pataliputra, un autre homme devoué aux Brahmanes
renversa une statue de Bouddha aux pieds dun mendiant, qui la mit en pièces. Le roi (Açoka)
proclamer cet ordre: Celui qui mapportera la tête dun mendiant brahmanique, recevra de moi un Dînâra.Tr.
of Divya avadâna, in Burnouf, Int. à lHist. du Bouddhisme Indien, p. 422.
c. 1333.The lak is a
sum of 100,000 dinars (i.e. of silver); this sum is equivalent to 10,000 dinars of gold, Indian money; and
the Indian (gold) dinar is worth 2½ dinars in money of the West (Maghrab).Ibn Batuta, iii. 106.
Indicopleustes remarked that the Roman denarius was received all over the world;1 and how
the denarius came to mean in India a gold ornament we may learn from a passage in the Life of Mahâvîra.
There it is said that a lady had around her neck a string of grains and golden dinars, and Stevenson
adds that the custom of stringing coins together, and adorning with them children especially, is still very
common in India.Max Müller, Hist. of Sanskrit Literature, 247. DINGY, DINGHY, s. Beng. dingi; [H. dingi, dengi, another form of dongi, Skt. drona, a trough.]
A small boat or skiff; sometimes also a canoe, i.e. dug out of a single trunk. This word is not merely
Anglo-Indian; it has become legitimately incorporated in the vocabulary of the British navy, as the name
of the smallest ships boat; [in this sense, according to the N.E.D., first in Midshipman Easy (1836)].
Dinga occurs as the name of some kind of war-boat used by the Portuguese in the defence of Hugli in
1631 (Sixty-four large díngas; Elliot, vii. 34). The word dinga is also used for vessels of size in the
quotation from Tippoo. Sir J. Campbell, in the Bombay Gazetteer, says that dhangi is a large vessel
belonging to the
Mekran coast; the word is said to mean a log in Biluchi. In Guzerat the larger vessel seems to be called danga; and besides this there is dhangi, like a canoe, but built, not dug out.
[1610.I have brought with me the pinnace and her ginge for better performance.Danvers, Letters,
i. 61.]
pour aller à terre on est obligé de se servir dun petit Bateau dont les bords sont très hauts,
quon appelle Dingues
.Luiller, 39.
1785.Propose to the merchants of Muscat
to bring hither, on
the Dingies, such horses as they may have for sale; which, being sold to us, the owner can carry back
the produce in rice.Letters of Tippoo, 6.
1810.On these larger pieces of water there are usually
canoes, or dingies.Williamson, V.M. ii. 59.
[1813.The Indian pomegranates
are by no means equal
to those brought from Arabia by the Muscat dingeys.Forbes, Or. Mem. 2nd ed. i. 468.]
observed among a crowd of dinghies, one contained a number of native commercial agents.Life in
the Mofussil, i. 18. 1