LARRY-BUNDER, n.p. The name of an old seaport in the Delta of the Indus, which succeeded Daibul
(see DIUL-SIND) as the chief haven of Sind. We are doubtful of the proper orthography. It was in later
Mahommedan times called Lahori - bandar, probably from presumed connection with Lahore as the
port of the Punjab (Elliot, i. 378). At first sight MMurdos suggestion that the original name may have
been Lari-bandar, from Lar, the local name of the southern part of Sind, seems probable. MMurdo,
indeed, writing about 1820, says that the name Lari-Bandar was not at all familiar to natives; but if accustomed
to the form Lahori-bandar they might not recognize it in the other. The shape taken however by what is
apparently the same name in our first quotation is adverse to MMurdos suggestion.
1030.This stream (the Indus) after passing (Alor)
divides into two streams; one empties itself into
the sea in the neighbourhood of the city of Luharani, and the other branches off to the East, to the
borders of Kach, and is known by the name of Sind Sagar, i.e. Sea of Sind.Al-Biruni, in Elliot, i.
c. 1333.I travelled five days in his compan
y with Ala-ul-Mulk, and we arrived at the seat of his Government, i.e. the town of Lahari, a fine city situated on the shore of the great Se
a, and near which
the River Sind enters the sea. Thus two great waters join near it; it possesses a grand haven, frequented
by the people of Yemen, of Fars (etc).
The Amir Ala-ul-Mulk
told me that the revenue of this place amounted to 60 laks a year.Ibn Batuta, iii. 112.
1565.Blood had not yet been spilled, when suddenly,
news came from Thatta, that the Firingis had passed Lahori-bandar, and attacked the city.Táríkh-
i-Táhiri, in Elliot, i. 277.
[1607.Then you are to saile for Lawrie in the Bay of the River Syndus.Birdwood,
First Letter-book, 251.
[1611.I took
Larree, the port town of the River Sinda.Danvers,
Letters, i. 162.]
1613.In November 1613 the Expedition arrived at Laurebunder, the port of Sinde,
with Sir Robert Shirley and his company.Sainsbury, i. 321.
c. 1665.Il se fait aussi beaucoup de
trafic au Loure-bender, qui est à trois jours de Tatta sur la mer, où la rade est plus excellente pour Vaisseaux,
quen quelque autre lieu que ce soit des Indes.Thevenot, v. 159.
If Suratt, Baroach, and
Bundurlaree in Scinda may be included in the same Phyrmaund to be customs free
then that they
get these places and words inserted.Ft. St. Geo. Consns., Feb. 20. In Notes and Exts., No. 1.
Madras, 1871.
1727.It was my Fortune
to come to Larribunder, with a Cargo from Mallebar, worth
above £10,000.A. Hamilton, i. 116; [ed. 1744, i. 117, Larribundar].
1739.But the Castle and town of
Lohre Bender, with all the country to the eastward of the river ATTOK, and of the waters of the SCIND,
and NALA SUNKHRA, shall, as before, belong to the Empire of Hindostan.H. of Nadir, in Hanway,
ii. 387.
1753.Le bras gauche du Sind se rend à Laheri, où il sépanche en un lac; et ce port, qui est
celui de Tattanagar, communément est nommé Laûrébender.DAnville, p. 40.
1763.Les Anglois ont sur
cette côte encore plusieurs petits établissement (sic) où ils envoyent des premiers Marchands, des sous-
Marchands, ou des Facteurs, comme en Scindi, à trois endroits, à Tatta, une grande ville et la résidence
du Seigneur du païs, à Lar Bunder, et à Schah-Bunder.Niebuhr, Voyage, ii. 8.
1780.The first place
of any note, after passing the bar, is Laribunda, about 5 or 6 leagues from the sea.Dunns Oriental
Navigator, 5th ed. p. 96.
1813.Laribunder. This is commonly called Scindy River, being the principal
branch of the Indus, having 15 feet water on the bar, and 6 or 7 fathoms inside; it is situated in latitude
about 24° 30 north.
The town of Laribunder is about 5 leagues from the sea, and vessels of 200 tons
used to proceed up to it.Milburn, i. 146.
1831.We took the route by Durajee and Meerpoor.
town of Lahory was in sight from the former of these places, and is situated on the same, or left bank
of the Pittee.A. Burnes, 2nd. ed. i. 22. LASCAR, s. The word is originally, from Pers. lashkar, an army, a camp. This is usually derived from
Ar. alaskar, but it would rather seem that Ar. askar, an army is taken from this Pers. word: whence
lashkari, one belonging to an army, a soldier. The word lascár or láscár (both these pronunciations are in
vogue) appears to have been corrupted, through the Portuguese use of lashkari in the forms lasquarin,
lascari, &c., either by the Portuguese themselves, or by the Dutch and English who took up the word
from them, and from these laskar has passed back again into native use in this corrupt shape. The
early Portuguese writers have the forms we have just named in the sense of soldier; but lascar is never
so used now. It is in general the equivalent of khalasi, in the various senses of that word (see CLASSY),
viz. (1) an inferior class of artilleryman (gun-lascar); (2) a tent-pitcher, doing other work
which the class
are accustomed to do; (3) a sailor. The last is the most common Anglo-Indian use, and has passed into the English language. The use of lascar in the modern sense by Pyrard de Laval shows that this use