OFFEND.—Forgive me, sir, if I in this offend.

Congreve.—Mourning Bride, Act I. Scene 2.

Harsh words, though pertinent, uncouth appear;
None please the fancy who offend the ear.

Garth.—The Dispensary, Canto IV. Line 204.

Who fears t’ offend, takes the first step to please.

Cibber.—Love in a Riddle, Act I.

OFFICE.—I do not like the office.

Shakespeare.—Othello, Act III. Scene 3. (Iago to the Moor.)

OFT.—Oft has it been my lot to mark
A proud, conceited, talking spark,
With eyes that hardly served at most
To guard their master ’gainst a post;
Yet round the world the blade has been,
To see whatever could be seen.

Merrick.—The Chameleon.

OIL.—Whence is thy learning? hath thy toil
O’er books consum’d the midnight oil?

Gay.—Shepherd and Philosopher, Line 15; Gay’s Trivia, Book II. Line 558; Shenstone, Elegy, XI. Verse 7; Cowper, Retirement; Lloyd, On Rhyme, and Author and Friend.

OLD.—Old age came creeping in the peaceful gown,
And civil functions weigh’d the soldier down.

Rowe’s Lucan, Book I. Line 245.

Still seem’d he to possess and fill his place,
But stood the shadow of what once he was.

Ibid.—Line 256.

An old man is twice a child.

Shakespeare.—Hamlet, Act II. Scene 2. (Hamlet speaking of Polonius.)

Old age, a second child, by nature curs’d
With more and greater evils than the first,
Weak, sickly, full of pains; in ev’ry breath
Railing at life, and yet afraid of death.

Churchill.—Gotham, Book I

OLD.—Age, too, shines out, and, garrulous, recounts the feats of youth.

Thomson.—Autumn, Line 1229.

Old John of Gaunt, time-honour’d Lancaster.

Shakespeare.—King Richard II. Act I. Scene 1. (The King to his Uncle.)

Old as I am, for ladies’ love unfit,
The power of beauty, I remember yet,
Which once inflam’d my soul, and still inspires my wit.

Dryden.—Cymon and Iphigenia, Line 1.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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