PIOUS to PLAY PIOUS.When pious frauds and holy shifts, Butler.Hudibras, Part I. Canto 3, Line 1145; Smith. Phædra and Hyppolitus, Act II.; Pope. Eloisa and Abelard; Thomson. Spring, Line 697; Churchill.The Ghost, Book VIII.; Dryden.Baucis and Philemon; Rowe.Lucan, Book III. Line 1141; Dry- den.Iphis and Ianthe, Book IX.; and Somer- ville.Mahomet Ali Beg. PIRATE.Thou notable pirate ! thou salt-water thief ! Shakespeare.Twelfth Night, Act V. Scene 1. PITCH.He that toucheth pitch shall be defiled therewith. Ecclesiasticus.Chap. XIII. Verse 1. Timon. All the lands thou hast Shakespeare.Timon of Athens, Act I. Scene 2; King Henry IV. Part I. Act II. Scene 4; Much Ado About Nothing, Act III. Scene 3. PITY.What comfort can a wretch like me bestow? Gay.Dione, Act II. Scene 2. Pity melts the mind to love. Dryden.Alexanders Feast. 1. I pity you. Shakespeare.Twelfth Night, Act III. Scene 1. (Viola to Olivia.)
Southern.Oroonoka, Act II. Scene 1.
Beaumont and Fletcher.The Spanish Curate, Act V. Scene 1. And some say pity is the child of love. Cotton.Loves Triumph, Verse 5. Pity swells the tide of love. Young.Night III. Line 106. PITY.They would your virgin soul to pity move, Pomfret.Fortunate Complaint.
Gay.Dione, Act I. Scene 1. Careless their merits or their faults to scan, Goldsmith.The Deserted Village, Line 161. Those that can pitymaylet fall a tear. |
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