Contented to Cypher
Table of contents
Contented with my situationCrawl lower still you
Contentment springsCreation sleeps
Contention which succeededCreature the
Contentions fierce    at his dirty work
Contentious woman    go wondrous
Contest follows    loves his kind
Contests mightyCreatures spiritual
Contiguous countriesCreed but my own
Continent of beautyCreep and fly
Contrite heartCribb’d
Converse with herCrime love’s
    high    madden to
Convers’d birdsCrimes a thousand
Conversing with thee    detested
Cook appetite stands    undivulged
Cooks devil sendsCripple maintains the
Cool like dish of teaCritic good-natured
    reflection came    great
Copy the world no    in the
CorinthCritical nothing if not
CorioliCroak boding note
Cork    ill-betiding
    obsequiousCroaking raven was
Corn implantCromwell damn’d
    noddingCross she wore
Cornish menCross’d with adversity
CorporalCrotchets in thy head
    sufferanceCrow shower-foretelling
Corroding    the impudent
CorsairCrowd in the
Corse slovenlyCrown the fine’s the
Cost of buildingCrowns all, the end
Costly thy habit    to kicks
CotCrowner’s ’quest law
    shelter’dCruel devil
Cottage    to be kind
    of gentilityCrust coffin’d up in
Cottar    of bread and liberty
Couch of sleepCrutch shouldered his
Could he murmurCry hear it
    I trace back    produces little wool
Council unlearned    wawl and
Counsel bosom upCrying hither
    deat to    uttered was
Counsels sweetCuckoo sound of the
Countenance in sorrow    on every tree
    honesty not on    plain song
    of dog    you
    in sorrowCud chew the
Counteth costCudgel thy brains
CountryCuisses on his thighs
    beamingCup chained
    beautify    alternate
    best is at home    and ball
    dear    inordinate
    die forCup iron
    God made    toss the
    mouse    unbless’d
    myCups that cheer
    ourCur cannot keep
    undiscoveredCurate prays and starves
    we left ourCurb the sense
Countrymen my    this cruel
Couple happiestCured what can’t be
CourageCurles in comelye
    keenCurls Hesperion
    mountethCurfew tolls
    never to submitCuriosity
    polishedCurrent ran
    screw yourCurrents turn awry
Course fame pointsCurs mouth a bone
    of true loveCursed be the man
Courses badCurses not loud but deep
Court aboveCurtain lecture
    ever in    drop
Courtesy pink ofCushion invites to rest
    dwells withinCustom breach of
    peep’s out    calls
Courts day in thy    foregone all
Cousin    hath made it
Coventry march through    in an afternoon
Coward trembling    in travellers
    would not dare    more honour’d
    worse than    observance of
    upon instinct    stale
Cowardice made us    wills
Cowards die many timesCustoms, followed
    a plague of all    new
    of us allCut and dry
Cowley    her coat
Cradle and the grave    unkindest
    to the coffinCynosure of neighbouring eyes
    to the graveCypher
    to the tomb
Cradled in the winds
    into poverty
    on the rock

  By PanEris using Melati.

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