Dagger to Defect
Table of contents
Dagger is this aDe Mortuis
    to her    and gone
Daily pleasure    as nail
Daintier sense    doubly
Dainties bred    dreamless
Dainty bits    Indian
Daisy ploughed up the    men’s shoes
Dam their    the sheeted
Damask cheekDeaf
Dame sullenDear as the light
Dames, gentle    as the ruddy drops
    laughing    daughter
Damn with faint praise    grace
Damn’d to fame    devilish
Dan to Beersheba    lost companions
Dance attendance    to all the country
    when you    Tom
Dances in suchDeath
Dancing bear    a necessary end
Danger’s mouth    and life
    nettle    and his brother
Dangerous deep and    and pale horse
    thing    all eloquent
Daniel come to judgment    and sleep
Dare do all    comes but once
Dare what man    cuts off hope
    to fight for    divinity in
Dared and bearded    doctor
    and done    ends woes
Dares bravely    fear of
    do more    finds us
    more    hath many doors
Dark at one stride came    in thousand shapes
    as winter    into the world
    soul    is doing
Darkness and to me    is the worst
    rest upon it    journey’s end
    parent of all    lays icy hand
    visible    looks ugly
    flaky    makes men weep
    coming as a cloud    makes odds even
Darling of her heart    of each day
Dart fatal    rides in triumph
    poisoning of a    sense of
    insult points the    sleep of
Darts thrawn    something after
Dash themselves    stands
Date is better in your pie    the crown of life
Dated women and music    the great teacher
Dates her letters    to me
Daughter a good girl    like untimely frost
    dear    which Nature
    harping on    will have his day
    hitherto your    worst fate can bring
    mourns aDeath’s shafts
    obstinate    face in a ring
    plague of your life    half brother
    stern    portrait
    will ever rear a    servile emissaries
Daughter’s choice    thousand doors
    sideDeborah’s song
David was restoredDebt to nature
Dawn overcast    to pay
Daws to peck atDebts pays all
    at close ofDecay blossoms in
    death will have his    pursues decay
    drags through    subject to
    driven on by day    tottering in
    evil thereof    unperceived
    hour of primeDecay’s effacing fingers
    I have lived toDeceit O that
    importantDecencies thousand
    improve pleasure of    dwell in
    in thy courtsDecency want of
    no want ofDecide who shall
    offspring ofDecision followed
    peep ofDeck monarch of her
    pleasnre of the presentDecoctions
    possession ofDecree established
    prevent yourDedicate his beauty
    ran byDeed
    sigh’d to lose a    against the
    spent well    bloody
    sufficient unto    done
    sweet cool, calm    this day’s
    tenant of a    without a name
    the greatDeeds of mercy
Days    done
    after manyDeep and dangerous
    dark and evil    lowest
    laborious    wind-obeying
    multitude of    vasty
    of calmDeeper by a tear
    of yoreDeer in heart a
Days quiet    stricken
    tediousDefeat stranger to
    than youDefect fine by
    they choose

  By PanEris using Melati.

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