Keen to Kosciusko
Table of contents
Keen his pangsKinsman I am his
Keener far    your
Keep togetherKiss burning
    what you’ve got    lips of change
    who can    parting
Kept from youth up    snatch’d hasty
Kick me down    the book’s outside
Kick’d out    the rod
Kill a king    thee into rest
    all the lawyers    welcome
    him when youKisses meet
    privileg’d toKitten cry mew
    too apt toKnave arrant
Kill’d him sleeping    complete
Killing’s the matter    enduring a
Killing time    how absolute
Kin and less than kind    to knock him
    whole worldKnavery’s plain face
Kind wondrousKnaves double
Kindness milk of human    whip me such
King a, so goodKnee bend in bondage
    anointed    hinges of the
    banish one, gain a worse    on her
    conscience of theKneel down
    dish for aKnees I beg
    divinity doth hedgeKnell of parting
    doth keep his revelsKnew by the strcamers
    enraged    a man who
    every inch aKnife not bear the
    excellentKnives who with
    God bless theKnocking at death’s door
    hath wonKnocks at the cottage
    interrogatories to a    at the palace
    lie I like aKnow not what we may be
    Log    their own good
    made for you    then thyself
    obey him gladly    what we are
    of shreds    ye the land
King our lord the    yourself
    shall enjoy his own    one God
    slyly finger’dKnowledge heap of your
    who errs not    increaseth strength
Kingdom content’s a    is as food
    divided    is ourselves to know
    hath a grave    is power
    his mind his    leads to woe
    is free    needs temperance
    my mind    shall be increased
Kingdoms and nations    tree of
King’s crown, not theKnown and honoured
    name    too late
Kings breath ofKnow’st thou the land
    do their bestKosciusko fell
    err like private men
    fall of
    may be blessed
    of Brentford
    struck anointed
    the curses of

  By PanEris using Melati.

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