Labour to Life
Table of contents
Labour and toilLean and slipper’d pantaloon
    daughter of    fac’d villain
    health    pates
    like thisLean’d she
    many for oneLeaning half raised
    physics painLeans on either side
    stood still    upon his hand
    sweet sauce ofLeap all into the grave
    rest after    an easy
Labourer worthy of hire    hearts to lips
Labour’s bathLearn luxury
Lack’d and lost    this of me
Laconically you speak    to labour
Ladder ambition’sLearned dust
    back to the    live by his wits
Ladies be but young    lumber
    call him sweet    Theban
    like tulipsLearning a little
    of rank    I speak of
    sigh no more    is a useless commodity
Lady and her nieces    O this
    in the case    put a tax upon
    not at liberty    was ne’er entailed
    Penelope    won by study
Lame entreatsLeather and prunella
    shornLeave I take my
    thy riot    the room
Lambs feed the    this keen encounter
Lame and impotentLeaves of hope
Lamp of light    of hopes
Lance of justice    smelling
Land I see    the wretch to weep
    my nativeLecture curtain
    of brown heathLed her nothing loth
    of dreams    like a victim
    of guiltLees left to brag of
    of levityLeft thy first love
    of mountainLeisure never less at
    of my sires    retired
Lands hisLely
Landscape into smoke decaysLend money
    of a postLender nor a
    tire the viewLending
Landscapes paintedLent his plume
Language in cheekLeopard change
    in eyeLeprosy recover
    in lipLess evil
    of the eyeLesson living
    wit and taleLet her down
Languages feast of    me have men fat
Languish another’s    me not burst
Lantern bear you the    no such man
Lark busy messenger    the galled jade wince
    call thee lord    us do or die
    calls morning up    us then, be up
    it was the    well alone
    pays rent in songsLethe my sense in
    rise withLet’s teach ourselves
    that shunsLevity a land of
    thy tenantLewd fellows
Lash the rascalsLiar of first magnitude
    the vile impostors    to be a
Last and leastLibel convey in a frown
Last not least    they make a
Late tooLiberty gone
Latin he speaks    I must have
Laugh and be candid    love of
    and be fat    more than life
    and shake    spirit of
    at the jests    virtuous
    if suchLids unsullied with a tear
    long loudLie and do no harm
    that win    awkward at a
    when you succeed    circumstantial
Laughing is want of grace    direct
    tipsy with    in cold
Laurel yield to tongue    Indebted to a
Law brother goeth to    you
    crowner’s ’questLiest in reputation sick
    is this    in thy throat
    of kingsLife a galling load
    rich men rule    a jest
    worm of    a journey
Lawn blush through a    a navigation
Laws and learning    a poor player
    fixed as fate    a thing of
    grind the poor    a tragedy
    human or divine    a walking shadow
    preserve each state    a warfare
    wise as nature    and light
Lawyer in lace    and love a dream
Lawyer’s dealings    below mid-journey or
Lawyers can twist    blood of enterprise
    honest    but a day
    let us kill all the    cool vale of
Lay give ear to my    has its bliss
    not flattering unction    I bear a charmed
    on Macduff    if I lose thee
Lead apes in hell    in the right
    nor drive
    the way

  By PanEris using Melati.

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