Rabble to Road
Table of contents
Rabble aRelish of the saltness
Rabelais chairRemedy worse than disease
Race honour’dRemedies past
    generousRemember an apothecary
    of man    thee
    won by vigour    I pleas’d
Rack stretch’dRemembered long
    the valueRemembrance wakes
Rage beginsRemorse passage to
    speak forRemote unfriended
Rags though in    from man
    flaunts inRemuneration what is a
Raiment vouchsafe meRenegade
RainRent Casca made
    from heavenRepent never can
    to pour    at leisure
    wears marbleRepents in thorns
RainbowReply I pause for a
    hue toReport and believe
Rain’d all kindsRepose in hope
Railer impious    is end of doubt
Railing and praising    rapture of
Rake    undid my
Random sentReprehend
Rank the guinea stampReproach
    maintain yourReproaches his
    none soReproof
Rapture    accent of
    of reposeReptile poisonous
    who feelReputation delicacy of
Rascal talk pertly    dies
Rascals lash the    down
Rasure of oblivionReserve thy judgment
Rat smell aResolution
Rate get at any    I pall in
Rave reciteResolves and re-resolves
Ravel out myResounding line
Raven croakingRespect you
Ravens feedRespective too
Ravish’d, whistlingRest kiss thee into
Ray emits a brighter    in a place of
Read    thy look of
    their history    so sweet to
    strange mattersRestoration
    maketh a full manRetired leisure
    senseless proseRetirement O blest
Ready to return a blow    urges sweet return
ReasonRetort courteous
    deprives ofRetreat loopholes of
    erring    brave
    feast ofRetrospection will now be
    from what we knowReturn a blow
    rules the mindReveals
    we owe virtues toRevels king doth keep his
    on compulsion    now are ended
Reason’s pleasureRevelry a sound of
    produce them    as tiger’s spring
Reasons were as plenty as blackberriesRevenue on her back
Rebel flesh and blood toReversion no bright
Rebellion    poor
Receipt for makingRevolt nature falls into
Reckoning no, madeRevolutions various
Reconcilement growRhinoceros the arm’d
Record of daysRhyme and reason
    weep toRialto
Recorded forRibband bound
Records trivial fondRibs breaking of
Recording angelRich not
Rector    men in evil
    cuts and carves    or poor
Recruit    with forty pound
Red-Herring nor good    without show
    streamRichard’s himself again
Redolent of joyRiches get
Reed drank with a    point to misery
Refinement a delicateRid on’t
Reflection coolRide a cock-horse
    who practise notRidiculous excess
    a soul withoutRight
Reform    honourable gentleman
Reformation plotting new    is
Refreshing streams    to dispute
RefreshmentRing wedding
RegularRiot dooms to bleed
    in your irregularitiesRipest fruit first falls
Rehearse own worksRise like rivers
Reign    to prevent the sun
    in hell    with the lark
Rejoice and weepRising blushes
    with themRivals none but themselves
    when you succeedRiver of his thoughts
Relations all dead    flow’d and will for ever
ReliefRivers run to seas
Relieve how exquisite to    sweetly warble
Religion does not censureRivets closing
    his stalking horseRoad rough and weary
Religious petticoats

  By PanEris using Melati.

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