Ai, superiority, 33. | Above, height, 206. |
Aback, rear, 235. | Above all, greatness, 31. |
Abacus, numeration, 85. | Above-board, visible, 446. |
Abaft, rear, 235. | plain, 518. |
Abalienate, transfer, 783. | artless, 703. |
Abandon, a purpose, 624. | true, 543. |
property, 782. | Above ground, alive, 359. |
Abandon, artlessness, 703. | Above par, greatness, 31. |
Abandoned, forsaken, 893. | Ab ovo, beginning, 66. |
vicious, 945. | Ab ovo usque ad mala, completeness, 52. |
Abandonment, purpose, 624. | duration, 106. |
property, 782. | Abracadabra, spell, 993. |
Abase, depress, 308, 874. | Abrade, subduct, 38. |
degrade, 879. | Abrasion, pulverulence, 330. |
Abasement, servility, 886. | friction, 331. |
Abash, daunt, 860. | A bras ouverts, courtesy, 894. |
humiliate, 879. | Abreast, lateral, 236. |
shame, 874. | parallel, 216. |
Abashed, modesty, 881. | Abrégé, compendium, 596. |
Abate, lessen, 36. | Abridge, shorten, 201. |
a price, 813. | lessen, 36. |
A bâtons rompus, disorder, 59. | deprive, 789. |
irregularity, 139. | in writing, 596. |
Abattis, defence, 717. | Abroach, dispersion, 73. |
Abattoir, killing, 361. | Abroad, extraneous, 57. |
Abbacy, churchdom, 995. | distant, 196. |
Abbé, clergy, 996. | ignorant, 491. |
Abbess, clergy, 996. | perplexed, 704. |
Abbey, temple, 1000. | Abrogation, abrogation, 756, 764. |
Abbot, clergy, 996. | Abrupt, sudden, 132. |
Abbreviate, shorten, 201, 596. | violent, 173. |
style, 572. | transient, 111. |
Abdicate, resignation, 757. | steep, 217. |
Abduct, take, 789. | Abrupt, unexpected, 508. |
steal, 791. | style, 579. |
Abduction, taking, 789. | Abscess, disease, 655. |
Abecedarian, learner, 541. | Abscission, retrenchment, 38. |
Abecedary, letter, 561. | division, 44. |
Aberrant, divergent, 279, 291. | Abscond, escape, 671. |
erroneous, 495. | fly from, 287. |
exceptional, 83. | Absence, non-existence, 2. |
Aberration, divergence, 291. | non-presence, 187. |
deviation, 279. | inattention, 458. |
mental, 503. | thoughtlessness, 452. |
Abet, aid, 707. | Absentee, absence, 187. |
Ab extra, exterior, 220. | Absent-minded, inattentive, 458. |
Abeyance, expectation, 507. | Absit omen, fear, 860. |
extinction, 2. | deprecation, 766. |
suspense, 141. | Absolute, not relative, 1. |
Abhor, hate, 898. | certain, 474, 31. |
dislike, 867. | true, 494. |
Abide, continue, 143. | unconditional, 768A. |
permanence, 142. | authoritative, 737. |
diuturnity, 110. | severe, 739. |
endure, 821. | due, 924. |
dwell, 186. | complete, 52. |
expect, 507. | Absolve, forgive, 918. |
Abide by, resolution, 604. | exempt, 927. |
Abigail, servant, 746. | liberate, 750. |
Ability, power, 157. | permit, 760. |
skill, 698. | acquit, 970. |
Ab imo pectore, affection, 820. | Absonant, unreasonable, 495. |
Ab incunabulis, beginning, 66. | discordant, 414. |
Ab initio, beginning, 66. | Absorb, combination, 48. |
Abject, servile, 886. | take in, 296. |
vile, 874, 940. | think, 451. |
Abjure, renounce, 607. | attend to, 457. |
resign, 757. | feel, 821. |
deny, 536. | consume, 677. |
Ablation, subduction, 38. | Abstain, refrain, 603. |
taking, 789. | temperance, 953. |
Ablaze, heat, 382. | forbear, 623. |
light, 420. | Abstemious, temperance, 953. |
Able, skilful, 157, 698. | Absterge, cleanness, 652. |
Able-bodied, strength, 159. | Abstersive, remedy, 662. |
Ablepsy, blindness, 442. | Abstinence, disuse, 678. |
Ablution, cleanness, 652. | forbearance, 623, 953. |
Abnegation, denial, 536, 764. | Abstinent, temperance, 953. |
self-denial, 942. | sobriety, 958. |
forbearance, 953. | Abstract, separate, 44. |
Abnormality, unconformity, 83. | idea, 451. |
Aboard, ship, 273. | to abridge, 596, 572. |
present, 186. | to take, 789. |
Abode, abode, 189, 182. | to steal, 791. |
Abodement, prediction, 511. | Abstraction, inattention, 458. |
Abolish, destroy, 162. | unity, 87. |
abrogate, 756. | Abstruse, recondite, 519. |
Abominable, hateful, 898. | hidden, 528. |
bad, 649. | Absurd, nonsensical, 497, 499. |
foul, 653. | ridiculous, 853. |
painful, 830. | Abundant, copious, 639. |
Abominate, hate, 898. | great, 31. |
dislike, 867. | Ab uno disce omnes, uniformity, 16. |
Abomination, foulness, 653. | similarity, 17. |
Abord, courtesy, 894. | conformity, 82. |
Aboriginal, beginning, 66. | Abuse, misuse, 679. |
Aborigines, inhabitants, 188. | ill-treat, 649. |
Abortion, failure, 732. | threat, 909. |
Abound, sufficiency, 639. | upbraid, 932. |
About, relative to, 9. | deceive, 545. |
near, 32, 197. | of language, 523. |
around, 227. |