Abut, rest on, 215. | Accurate, exact, 494. |
touch, 199. | likeness, 17. |
Abyss, depth, 208. | known, 490. |
space, 180. | Accursed, undone, 828. |
hell, 982. | painful, 830. |
Academic, teaching, 537. | disastrous, 649. |
Academy, school, 542. | cursed, 908. |
Accede, consent, 762. | Accuse, charge, 938. |
Accelerate, velocity, 173, 274. | disapprove, 932. |
earliness, 132. | Accuser, judge, 967. |
haste, 684. | Accustom, habituate, 613. |
Accension, calefaction, 384. | usual, 82. |
Accent, tone of voice, 580. | Ace, unit, 87. |
sound, 402. | small in quantity, 32. |
Accept, receive, 785. | small in size, 193. |
consent, 762. | Ace, within an of, smallness, 32. |
assent, 488. | Aceldama, killing, 361. |
Acceptable, agreeable, 829. | Acerbate, embitter, 659. |
expedient, 646. | aggravate, 835. |
Acceptance, security, 771. | Acerbity, harshness, 739. |
Acceptation, meaning, 516. | spleen, 898, 900, 901. |
Accepted, conformity, 82. | malevolence, 907. |
Access, method, 627. | Acervate, assemblage, 72. |
Accessible, facility, 705. | Acetous, sourness, 397. |
Accession, increase, 35. | Acharné, resentment, 900. |
addition, 37. | Acharnement, malevolence, 907. |
to power, 737. | Ache, physical pain, 378. |
Accessory, addition, 37. | moral pain, 828. |
adjunct, 39. | Acheron, hell, 982. |
auxiliary, 711. | Achievable, possible, 470. |
aiding, 707. | easy, 705. |
accompanying, 88. | Achieve, accomplish, 729. |
Accidence, grammar, 567. | end, 67. |
Accident, chance, 156, 621. | Achievement, escutcheon, 551. |
event, 151. | Achromatism, achromatic, 429. |
Accidental, external, 6. | Acicular, sharpness, 253. |
music, 413. | Acid, sourness, 397. |
Acclamation, approbation, 931. | Acknowledge, avow, 535. |
Acclimatise, inure, 613. | disclose, 529. |
train, 673. | assent, 488. |
Acclivity, obliquity, 217. | consent, 762. |
Accolade, courtesy, 894. | reward, 973. |
Accommodate, suit, 23. | repent, 950. |
reconcile, 723. | answer, 462. |
lend, 787. | observe, 772. |
prepare, 673. | receive, 82. |
aid, 707. | Acme, summit, 210. |
give, 784. | highest degree, 33. |
Accommodating, kind, 906. | perfection, 650. |
Accommodation, lodging, 189. | Acolyte, clergy, 996. |
Accompaniment, musical, 415. | Aconite, bane, 663. |
adjunct, 37, 39. | A corps perdu, rashness, 863. |
Accompanist, musician, 416. | A coup sûr, certainty, 474. |
Accompany, coexist, 88. | Acoustics, sound, 402. |
add, 37. | Acquaint, information, 527. |
Accomplice, auxiliary, 711. | Acquaintance, knowledge, 490. |
Accomplish, execute, 161. | friendship, 888. |
finish, 729. | friend, 890. |
Accomplishment, talent, 698. | Acquiesce, assent, 488. |
learning, 490. | consent, 762. |
Accord, agree, 23, 646. | Acquire, acquisition, 775. |
assent, 488. | Acquirement, knowledge, 490. |
concord, 714. | learning, 539. |
give, 784. | talent, 698. |
grant, 760. | Acquisition, gain, 775. |
spontaneous, 600. | Acquisition, knowledge, 490. |
Accordingly, reasoning, 476. | Acquit, absolve, 970. |
According to, relation, 9. | exempt, 927. |
conformably, 15. | vindicate, 937. |
evidence, 467. | liberate, 750. |
Accordion, musical instrument, 417. | Acquit oneself, of a duty, 926. |
Accost, allocution, 586. | of an agreement, 772. |
Accoucheur, instrument, 631. | Acquittance, payment, 807. |
Account, money, 811. | Acres, property, 780. |
bill, 812. | Acrid, unsavouriness, 395. |
computation, 85. | Acrimony, physical, 171. |
list, 86. | taste, 395. |
description, 594. | hatred, 898. |
value, 644. | discourtesy, 895. |
estimation, 484. | Acrobat, proficient, 700. |
judgment, 480. | Across, transverse, 219. |
approbation, 931. | opposition, 708. |
fame, 873. | Acrostic, neology, 563. |
sake, 615. | puzzle, 533. |
Account for, attribution, 155. | Act, physical, 170. |
Accountable, duty, 926. | voluntary, 680. |
Accountant, accounts, 811. | to feign, 544. |
Accoutre, dress, 225. | to personate, 599. |
equip, 673. | to imitate, 19. |
Accredit, money, 805. | Action, physical, 170. |
honour, 873. | voluntary, 680. |
Accretion, coherence, 46. | battle, 720. |
increase, 35. | at law, 969. |
Accrue, result, 154. | Actionnaire, participator, 778. |
add, 37. | Activity, physical, 171. |
acquire, 775. | voluntary, 682. |
receive, 810. | Actor, impostor, 548. |
benefit, 644. | player, 599. |
Accueil, courtesy, 894. |
Accumulate, collect, 72. |
store, 636. |