Advert, attention, 457. | Afloat, at sea, 273. |
Advertise, publication, 531. | on shipboard, 273. |
Advertisement, preface, 64. | unstable, 149. |
Advertisement, information, 527. | public, 531. |
Advice, counsel, 695. | A fond, completeness, 52. |
notice, 527. | greatness, 31. |
news, 532. | Afoot, walking, 266. |
Advisable, expediency, 646. | business, 625. |
Advise, inform, 527. | in preparation, 673. |
counsel, 695. | A force de, instrument, 631. |
predict, 511. | Afore, priority, 116. |
Advised, voluntary, 600. | Aforesaid, repetition, 104. |
Adviser, counsellor, 695. | priority, 116. |
teacher, 540. | Aforethought, intention, 620. |
Advocate, counsellor, 968. | A fortiori, greatness, 31. |
to prompt, 615. | superiority, 33. |
to vindicate, 937. | evidence, 467. |
Saviour, 976. | reasoning, 476. |
Advocatus diaboli, sophistry, 477. | Afraid, fear, 860. |
Adytum, secret place, 530. | Afreet, demon, 980. |
room, 191. | Afresh, new, 123. |
prediction, 511. | repeated, 104. |
Ædile, authority, 745. | frequent, 136. |
Ægis, defence, 717. | Aft, rear, 235. |
Æolus, wind, 349. | After, in order, 63. |
Æon, duration, 106. | in time, 117. |
Æquo animo, insensible, 823. | After all, qualification, 469. |
Aerate, air, 338. | After-clap, disappointment, 509. |
Ære perennius, repute, 873. | After-course, plan, 626. |
Aerial, aeriform, 334, 338. | After-game, plan, 626. |
elevated, 206. | After-life, futurity, 121. |
Aerie, abode, 189. | Aftermath, sequel, 65. |
Aeriform, gaseity, 334, 338. | effect, 154. |
Aerodrome, arena, 720. | Afternoon, evening, 126. |
Aeromancy, prediction, 511. | After-part, sequel, 65. |
Aeronautics, navigation, 267. | After-piece, drama, 599. |
Aeroplane, ship, 273. | After-taste, taste, 390. |
Aerostatics, gaseity, 334. | Afterthought, sequel, 65. |
navigation, 267. | thought, 451. |
Aerostation, navigation, 267. | plan, 626. |
Æsthetic, taste, 850. | After-time, futurity, 121. |
beauty, 845. | Afterwards, posteriority, 117. |
sensibility, 375. | Aga, master, 745. |
Æstivate, sleep, 683. | Agacerie, motive, 615. |
Ætiology, knowledge, 490. | Again, repeated, 104. |
attribution, 155. | frequent, 136. |
disease, 655. | Against, physical opposition, 179. |
Afar, distance, 196. | voluntary opposition, 708. |
Affable, courteous, 894. | antiposition, 237. |
humble, 879. | provision, 673. |
Affair, business, 625, 680. | Agape, wonder, 870. |
event, 151. | curiosity, 455. |
topic, 454. | Age, period, 108. |
battle, 720. | present time, 118. |
Affaire de cur, love, 897. | advanced life, 128. |
Affect, desire, 865. | Ageless, perpetual, 112. |
love, 897. | Agency, physical, 170. |
lend to, 176. | instrumentality, 157, 631, 755. |
touch, 824. | direction, 693. |
Affectability, sensibility, 822. | Agenda, business, 625. |
Affectation, pretension, 855. | Agent, physical, 153. |
Affectation, in style, 577. | voluntary, 690. |
Affection, state of soul, 820. | consignee, 758, 769. |
love, 897. | Agentship, commission, 755. |
Affiance, trust, 858. | Agglomerate, assemblage, 72. |
promise, 768. | Agglutinate, coherence, 46. |
Affiche, publication, 531. | Aggrandise, in degree, 35. |
Affidavit, evidence, 467. | in bulk, 194. |
record, 551. | honour, 873. |
Affiliation, relation, 9. | Aggravate, increase, 35. |
kindred, 11. | vehemence, 173. |
Affinity, relation, 9. | distress, 835. |
similarity, 17. | render worse, 659. |
Affirm, assert, 535. | exasperate, 900. |
confirm, 488. | exaggerate, 549. |
Affirmatively, assent, 488. | provoke, 830. |
Affix, to join, 43. | Aggregate, whole, 50. |
add, 37. | collection, 72. |
sequel, 39. | Aggregation, coherence, 46. |
addition, 37. | Aggression, attack, 716. |
Afflatus, wind, 349. | Aggressive, pugnacious, 901. |
inspiration, 515. | Aggrieve, distress, 830. |
Afflict, painfulness, 830. | injure, 649. |
Affliction, calamity, 619. | Aghast, with wonder, 870. |
pain, 828. | with fear, 860. |
Afflictive, painfulness, 830. | disappointed, 509. |
Affluent, flowing, 348. | Agile, swift, 274. |
wealthy, 803. | active, 682. |
Afflux, approach, 286. | Agio, discount, 813. |
Afford, supply, 134, 784. | Agiotage, barter, 794. |
wealth, 803. | Agitate, motion, 315. |
accrue, 810. | activity, 682. |
Affranchise, liberation, 750. | to affect the mind, 821. |
Affray, contention, 720. | to excite, 824. |
Affright, fear, 880. | Agnation, consanguinity, 11. |
Affront, insult, 900. | Agnomen, nomenclature, 564. |
courage, 861. | Agnosticism, unbelief, 485, 988. |
molest, 830. | Agnus Dei, canonicals, 999. |
Affuse, water, 337. | Ago, preterition, 122. |
Afire, heat, 382. |