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Table of contents
Advert, attention, 457.Afloat, at sea, 273.
Advertise, publication, 531.    on shipboard, 273.
Advertisement, preface, 64.    unstable, 149.
Advertisement, information, 527.    public, 531.
Advice, counsel, 695.A fond, completeness, 52.
    notice, 527.    greatness, 31.
    news, 532.Afoot, walking, 266.
Advisable, expediency, 646.    business, 625.
Advise, inform, 527.    in preparation, 673.
    counsel, 695.A force de, instrument, 631.
    predict, 511.Afore, priority, 116.
Advised, voluntary, 600.Aforesaid, repetition, 104.
Adviser, counsellor, 695.    priority, 116.
    teacher, 540.Aforethought, intention, 620.
Advocate, counsellor, 968.A fortiori, greatness, 31.
    to prompt, 615.    superiority, 33.
    to vindicate, 937.    evidence, 467.
    Saviour, 976.    reasoning, 476.
Advocatus diaboli, sophistry, 477.Afraid, fear, 860.
Adytum, secret place, 530.Afreet, demon, 980.
    room, 191.Afresh, new, 123.
    prediction, 511.    repeated, 104.
Ædile, authority, 745.    frequent, 136.
Ægis, defence, 717.Aft, rear, 235.
Æolus, wind, 349.After, in order, 63.
Æon, duration, 106.    in time, 117.
Æquo animo, insensible, 823.After all, qualification, 469.
Aerate, air, 338.After-clap, disappointment, 509.
Ære perennius, repute, 873.After-course, plan, 626.
Aerial, aeriform, 334, 338.After-game, plan, 626.
    elevated, 206.After-life, futurity, 121.
Aerie, abode, 189.Aftermath, sequel, 65.
Aeriform, gaseity, 334, 338.    effect, 154.
Aerodrome, arena, 720.Afternoon, evening, 126.
Aeromancy, prediction, 511.After-part, sequel, 65.
Aeronautics, navigation, 267.After-piece, drama, 599.
Aeroplane, ship, 273.After-taste, taste, 390.
Aerostatics, gaseity, 334.Afterthought, sequel, 65.
    navigation, 267.    thought, 451.
Aerostation, navigation, 267.    plan, 626.
Æsthetic, taste, 850.After-time, futurity, 121.
    beauty, 845.Afterwards, posteriority, 117.
    sensibility, 375.Aga, master, 745.
Æstivate, sleep, 683.Agacerie, motive, 615.
Ætiology, knowledge, 490.Again, repeated, 104.
    attribution, 155.    frequent, 136.
    disease, 655.Against, physical opposition, 179.
Afar, distance, 196.    voluntary opposition, 708.
Affable, courteous, 894.    antiposition, 237.
    humble, 879.    provision, 673.
Affair, business, 625, 680.Agape, wonder, 870.
    event, 151.    curiosity, 455.
    topic, 454.Age, period, 108.
    battle, 720.    present time, 118.
Affaire de cœur, love, 897.    advanced life, 128.
Affect, desire, 865.Ageless, perpetual, 112.
    love, 897.Agency, physical, 170.
    lend to, 176.    instrumentality, 157, 631, 755.
    touch, 824.    direction, 693.
Affectability, sensibility, 822.Agenda, business, 625.
Affectation, pretension, 855.Agent, physical, 153.
Affectation, in style, 577.    voluntary, 690.
Affection, state of soul, 820.    consignee, 758, 769.
    love, 897.Agentship, commission, 755.
Affiance, trust, 858.Agglomerate, assemblage, 72.
    promise, 768.Agglutinate, coherence, 46.
Affiche, publication, 531.Aggrandise, in degree, 35.
Affidavit, evidence, 467.    in bulk, 194.
    record, 551.    honour, 873.
Affiliation, relation, 9.Aggravate, increase, 35.
    kindred, 11.    vehemence, 173.
Affinity, relation, 9.    distress, 835.
    similarity, 17.    render worse, 659.
Affirm, assert, 535.    exasperate, 900.
    confirm, 488.    exaggerate, 549.
Affirmatively, assent, 488.    provoke, 830.
Affix, to join, 43.Aggregate, whole, 50.
    add, 37.    collection, 72.
    sequel, 39.Aggregation, coherence, 46.
    addition, 37.Aggression, attack, 716.
Afflatus, wind, 349.Aggressive, pugnacious, 901.
    inspiration, 515.Aggrieve, distress, 830.
Afflict, painfulness, 830.    injure, 649.
Affliction, calamity, 619.Aghast, with wonder, 870.
    pain, 828.    with fear, 860.
Afflictive, painfulness, 830.    disappointed, 509.
Affluent, flowing, 348.Agile, swift, 274.
    wealthy, 803.    active, 682.
Afflux, approach, 286.Agio, discount, 813.
Afford, supply, 134, 784.Agiotage, barter, 794.
    wealth, 803.Agitate, motion, 315.
    accrue, 810.    activity, 682.
Affranchise, liberation, 750.    to affect the mind, 821.
Affray, contention, 720.    to excite, 824.
Affright, fear, 880.Agnation, consanguinity, 11.
Affront, insult, 900.Agnomen, nomenclature, 564.
    courage, 861.Agnosticism, unbelief, 485, 988.
    molest, 830.Agnus Dei, canonicals, 999.
Affuse, water, 337.Ago, preterition, 122.
Afire, heat, 382.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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