Ancestor, paternity, 166. | Answer to, correspond, 9. |
Anchor, safeguard, 666. | Ant, worker, 690. |
hope, 858. | Antæus, strength, 159. |
Anchorage, roadstead, 189, 265. | Antagonism, difference, 14. |
Anchorite, asceticism, 955. | voluntary, 708. |
Anchylosis, immutability, 150. | physical, 179. |
Ancient, oldness, 124. | Antagonist, opponent, 710. |
Ancillary, aid, 707. | Antecedence, in order, 62. |
And, addition, 37. | in time, 116. |
Andante (It.), music, 415. | Antecedent, in order, 64. |
Andantino (It.), music, 415. | in time, 116. |
Androgynous, unconformity, 83. | Antechamber, room, 191. |
Anecdotage, loquacity, 584. | Antedate, anachronism, 115. |
Anecdote, description, 594. | Antediluvian, oldness, 124, 128. |
Anent, relation, 9. | priority, 116. |
Anemometer, wind, 349. | Antelope, velocity, 274. |
Aneroid, measurement, 466. | Antemundane, oldness, 124. |
Anew, newness, 123. | Antenna, touch, 379. |
Anfractuosity, angle, 244. | Antepenultimate, end, 67. |
convolution, 248. | Anterior, in order, 62. |
Angel, supernatural being, 977. | in time, 116. |
object of love, 948. | in place, 234. |
Angelic, virtue, 944. | Anteroom, room, 191. |
Anger, resentment, 900. | Anthem, worship, 990. |
Angina, pain, 828. | Anthology, poem, 597. |
Angle, angularity, 244. | collection, 596. |
Angle, to, pursuit, 622. | Anthropology, mankind, 372. |
Anguilline, narrow, 203. | Anthropomorphic, mankind, 372. |
serpentine, 248. | Anthropophagi, evil-doer, 913. |
Anguish, physical, 378. | Antic, ridicule, 856. |
moral, 828. | Antichristian, irreligion, 988. |
Angular, angularity, 244. | Anticipate, early, 132. |
uncivil, 895. | future, 121. |
Anhelation, fatigue, 688. | anachronism, 115. |
Anhydrous, dryness, 340. | expect, 507. |
Anility, age, 128. | foresee, 510. |
Animadvert, reprehend, 932. | prepare, 673. |
consider, 451. | priority, 116. |
Animal, animal, 366. | Anticlimax, depth, 208. |
Animal cries, ululation, 412. | bathos, 856. |
Animalcule, minute, 193. | Anticyclone, rotation, 312. |
Animalism, sensuality, 954. | Antidote, remedy, 662. |
Animality, animality, 364. | Antilogarithm, number, 84. |
Animate, excite, 824. | Antinomy, illegality, 964. |
stimulate, 615. | Antinous, beauty, 845. |
Animation, life, 359. | Antiparallel, obliquity, 217. |
animality, 364. | Antiphon, music, 415. |
excitation, 824. | answer, 462. |
Animosity, enmity, 889. | worship, 990. |
hatred, 898. | Antiphrasis, misnomer, 565. |
Animosity, anger, 900. | Antipodes, distance, 196. |
Animus, will, 600. | antiposition, 237. |
intention, 620. | difference, 14. |
Annalist, recorder, 114, 553. | depth, 208. |
Annals, record, 551. | Antiposition, antiposition, 237. |
history, 114. | Antiquated, vulgarity, 851. |
account, 551. | Antique, oldness, 124. |
Anneal, harden, 323. | Antiseptic, remedy, 662. |
Annex, add, 37. | Antithesis, contrast, 14. |
join, 43. | style, 574. |
Annihilate, extinguish, 2. | Antitoxin, remedy, 662. |
destroy, 162. | Antitype, prototype, 22. |
Anniversary, periodicity, 138. | Antonomasia, substitution, 147. |
Anno Domini, period, 108. | Anvil, support, 215. |
Annotation, note, 550. | (on the), plan, 626. |
glossary, 522. | preparing, 673. |
Announce, inform, 527. | Anxiety, pain, 828. |
publish, 531. | fear, 860. |
predict, 511. | Anxiety, desire, 865. |
assert, 535. | Aorist, indefinite time, 119. |
Announcement, programme, 510. | A outrance, violently, 31. |
Annoy, pain, 830. | contention, 720. |
Annoyance, pain, 828. | Apace, swift, 274. |
evil, 619. | short time, III. |
badness, 649. | early, 132. |
Annual, year, 108. | Apache, ruffian, 913, 949. |
periodic, 138. | Apanage, adjunct, 39. |
Annuity, wealth, 803, 810. | Apart, distance, 196. |
Annul, abrogation, 756. | singleness, 87. |
Annular, circularity, 247. | difference, 15. |
Annulet, circularity, 247. | Apartment, room, 191. |
Annunciate, inform, 527. | Apartments, abode, 189. |
publish, 531. | Apathy, physical, 376. |
Annus mirabilis, period, 108. | moral, 823. |
Anodyne, remedy, 174, 662, 834. | Ape, imitation, 19. |
Anoint, coat, 222. | Apelles, artist, 559. |
oil, 355. | Aperçu, compendium, 596. |
Anointed, deity, 976. | A perte de vue, distance, 196. |
Anomalistic, unconformity, 83. | Aperture, opening, 260. |
Anomaly, irregularity, 83. | A peu près, smallness, 32. |
disorder, 59. | nearness, 197. |
Anon, ere long, 132. | Apex, summit, 210. |
shortly, 111. | Aphasia, aphony, 581. |
Anonymous, misnomer, 565. | Aphelion, distance, 196. |
Another, difference, 15. | Aphony, aphony, 581. |
Answer, to an inquiry, 462. | Aphorism, maxim, 496. |
reply, 468, 587. | A piacere (It.), music, 415. |
to succeed, 731. | Apicius, gluttony, 957. |
Answerable, duty, 926. | Apiece, disjunction, 44. |
Answer for, promise, 768. | particularity, 79. |