Aplomb, vertical, 212. | Appropinquation, approach, 197, 286. |
intelligence, 498. | Appropriate, fit, 23, 646. |
Apocalypse, revelation, 985. | to assign, 786. |
Apocryphal, uncertain, 475. | to take, 789. |
false, 544. | to steal, 791. |
Apodictic, demonstration, 478. | Appropriation, stealing, 791. |
Apolaustic, self-indulgent, 943. | Approve, commend, 931. |
Apollo, music, 415. | corroborate, 467. |
beauty, 845. | assent, 488. |
Apologue, description, 521, 594. | Approximate, approach, 286. |
Apology, penitence, 950. | nearness, 197. |
vindication, 937. | in mathematics, 85. |
atonement, 952. | resemble, 17. |
Apophthegm, maxim, 496. | related to, 9. |
Apoplexy, weakness, 160. | Appulse, convergence, 286, 290. |
Aposiopesis, taciturnity, 585. | collision, 276. |
Apostasy, palinode, 607. | Appurtenance, part, 51. |
dishonour, 940. | component, 56. |
heterodoxy, 984. | Apricot, colour, 439. |
Apostate, knave, 941. | April-fool, fool, 501. |
Apostatise, tergiversation, 607. | A priori, reasoning, 476. |
Apostle, teacher, 540. | Apron, dress, 225. |
Apostolic, revelation, 985. | Apropos, relation, 9. |
Apostrophe, appeal, 765. | expedience, 646. |
address, 586, 589. | occasion, 134. |
Apotheosis, deification, 981, 991. | Apt, consonant, 23. |
Appal, fear, 860. | clever, 698. |
Appalling, painfulness, 830. | docile, 539. |
Appanage, property, 780. | willing, 602. |
Apparatus, instrument, 633. | expedient, 646. |
Apparel, vestment, 225. | tendency, 176. |
Apparent, visible, 446. | Aptitude, intelligence, 498. |
manifest, 525. | Aquarium, cicuration, 370. |
Apparition, ghost, 980. | collection, 636. |
appearance, 448. | Aquatic, water, 337. |
Appeal, request, 765. | Aquatint, engraving, 558. |
address, 586. | Aqueduct, conduit, 350. |
Appear, come into being, 1, 448. | Aqueous, water, 337. |
come to light, 525. | Aquiline, angularity, 244. |
come into view, 446. | Arabesque, ornament, 847. |
Appearance, sight, 448. | Arable, agriculture, 371. |
probability, 472. | Aræometer, density, 321. |
Appear for, deputy, 759. | measure, 466. |
Appease, physically, 174. | Arbiter, judge, 480, 967. |
morally, 826. | Arbiter, adviser, 695. |
Appellant, plaintiff, 924, 967. | Arbiter elegantiarum, taste, 850. |
Appellation, nomenclature, 564. | Arbitrament, sentence, 969. |
Append, addition, 37. | judgment, 480. |
sequence, 63. | choice, 609. |
Appendage, adjunct, 39. | Arbitrary, without law, 964. |
Appendix, sequel, 65. | irregular, 83. |
Apperception, knowledge, 490. | without relation, 10. |
Appertain, belong, 777. | Arbitrate, mediate, 724, 969. |
related to, 9. | judge, 480. |
right, 922. | Arbor, support, 215. |
inclusion, 76. | Arborescence, branching, 205, 242, 256. |
Appetence, desire, 865. | Arboretum, agriculture, 371. |
Appetiser, whet, 298, 615. | Arboriculture, agriculture, 371. |
Appetite, desire, 865. | Arbour, abode, 189. |
Applaud, approbation, 931. | Arc, curvature, 245. |
Apple-green, greenness, 435. | Arc lamp, light, 423. |
Apple of discord, discord, 713. | Arcade, arch, 245. |
Appliances, means, 632. | passage, 189. |
Applicable, to use, 644. | Arcades ambo, similarity, 17. |
expedient, 646. | friend, 890. |
relative, 23. | Arcadian, delightful, 829. |
Applicant, petitioner, 767. | Arcanum, secret, 533. |
Application, use, 677. | Arch, curve, 245. |
request, 765. | great, 31. |
study, 457. | cunning, 702. |
Appoggiatura (It.), music, 415. | roguish, 842. |
Appoint, commission, 755. | greatness, 31. |
Appointment, salary, 809. | Archaic, oldness, 124. |
interview, 892. | Archaism, inelegance, 579. |
Apportion, allot, 786. | Archæology, preterition, 122. |
arrange, 60. | Archangel, angel, 977. |
portion, 51. | Archbishop, clergy, 996. |
Apportionment, dispersion, 73. | Archdeacon, clergy, 996. |
Apposite, agreeing, 23. | Archduke, master, 745. |
relative, 9. | Archetype, prototype, 22. |
Apposition, agreement, 23. | Arch-fiend, Satan, 978. |
closeness, 199. | Archimage, sorcerer, 994. |
Appraise, value, 812. | Archimandrite, clergy, 996. |
estimate, 466. | Archipelago, sea, 341. |
Appreciate, measure, 466. | Architect, constructor, 164. |
taste, 850. | agent, 690. |
Appreciate, judge, 480. | Architecture, construction, 161. |
approve, 931. | fabric, 329. |
Apprehend, know, 490. | Architrave, summit, 210. |
believe, 484. | Archive, record, 551. |
fear, 860. | Archness, cunning, 702. |
seize, 969. | cleverness, 498. |
Apprentice, learner, 541. | intelligence, 450. |
Apprenticeship, learning, 539. | Arch-traitor, knave, 941. |
training, 673. | Arctic, polar, 237. |
Apprise, information, 527. | cold, 383. |
Approach, move, 286. | Arcuation, curvature, 245. |
nearness, 197. | Ardent, fiery, 382. |
path, 627. | feeling, 515, 821, 888. |
of time, 121. | expectant, 507. |
Approbation, approbation, 931. |