Arduous to Asperity
Table of contents
Arduous, difficulty, 704.Arrière-pensée, plan, 626.
Area, region, 181.Arrive, reach, 292.
A rebours, regression, 283.    happen, 151.
A reculons, regression, 283.    complete, 729.
Arefaction, dryness, 340.Arrogant, insolent, 885.
Arena, field, 181, 728.    severe, 739.
    workshop, 691.    proud, 878.
Arenaceous, pulverulence, 330.Arrogate, assume, 885.
Areopagus, council, 696.    claim, 922.
Areolar, crossing, 219.Arrondissement, region, 181.
Arête, height, 206.Arrow, swift, 274.
    sharpness, 253.    missile, 284.
Argent, whiteness, 430.Arrow, arms, 727.
Argillaceous, softness, 324.Arrow-headed, angular, 244.
Argosy, ship, 273.Arrowy, sharp, 253.
Argot, language, 560.Arsenal, store, 636.
Argue, reason, 476.    military, 727.
    evidence, 467.Arson, calefaction, 384.
    indicate, 550.Art, skill, 698.
Argument, evidence, 467.    cunning, 702.
    topic, 454.    deception, 545.
    meaning, 516.    representation, 554.
    compendium, 596.Arterialise, to aerate, 338.
Argumentum ad hominem, speciality, 79.Artery, conduit, 350.
    accusation, 938.Artesian well, conduit, 348.
Argumentum ad crumenam, money, 800.Artful, cunning, 702.
Argumentum ad misericordiam, pity, 914.    deceitful, 544.
Argumentum ad verecundiam, probity, 939.Article, thing, 3.
Argumentum baculinum, compulsion, 744.    goods, 798.
Argus-eyed, sight, 441.    part, 51.
    vigilant, 459.    conditions, 770.
Argute, wisdom, 498.    dissertation, 595.
Aria, music, 415.Articles, belief, 484, 983.
Arid, dryness, 340.Articulation, speech, 580.
Ariel, messenger, 534.    junction, 43.
    swift, 274.Artifice, cunning, 702.
    courier, 268.    plan, 626.
    spirit, 979.    deception, 545.
Arietta, music, 415.Artificer, agent, 690.
Aright, goodness, 618, 648.Artificial, cunning, 702.
Arise, begin, 66.    fictitious, 544.
    mount, 305.    style, 579.
    appear, 446.Artillery, arms, 727.
    happen, 151.    corps of, 726.
    proceed from, 154.    explosion, 404.
    exist, 1.Artisan, agent, 690.
Aristarchus, taste, 850.Artist, contriver, 626.
Aristocracy, power, 737.    painter, etc., 559.
    nobility, 875.    agent, 690.
Arithmancy, prediction, 511.Artiste, the drama, 599.
Arithmetic, numeration, 85.Artistic, skilful, 698.
Ark, asylum, 666.    beautiful, 845.
Arm, instrument, 266, 633.Artless, natural, 703.
    part, 51.    veracious, 543.
    power, 157.As, motive, 615.
Arm, to provide, 637.Ascend, ascent, 305.
    to prepare, 673.Ascendancy, power, 157, 175.
Armada, ship, 273.    success, 731.
Armageddon, contention, 720.Ascent, rise, 305.
Armament, arms, 727.    acclivity, 217.
Armature, arms, 727.    glory, 873.
Armiger, nobility, 875.Ascertain, judgment, 480.
Armistice, pacification, 723.Asceticism, asceticism, 955.
Armless, impotence, 158.Ascribe, attribution, 155.
Armlet, lake, 343.Ashamed, shame, 874.
Armorial, indication, 550.    modest, 881.
Armour, arms, 727.Ash colour, grey, 432.
Armoury, store, 636.Ashes, residue, 40.
Arms, blazon, 550.    corpse, 362.
    scutcheon, 877.Ashore, land, 342.
    war, 722.Ashy, colourless, 429.
    weapon, 727.Aside, laterally, 236.
    See Arm.    privately, 528.
Arm's length, distance, 196.    soliloquy, 589.
Army, troops, 726.Aside (to put), relinquish, 624.
    multitude, 102.    disuse, 678.
    collection, 72.Asinine, imbecile, 499.
Aroma, fragrance, 400.Ask, inquire, 461.
Around, circumjacent, 227.    request, 765.
Arouse, motive, 615.    as price, 812.
Arpeggio, music, 415.    supplicate, 990.
Arquebus, arms, 727.Askance, obliquity, 217.
Arraign, accuse, 938.    doubt, 485.
    indict, 969.Askew, oblique, 217.
Arrange, order, 60.    distorted, 243.
    plan, 626.Aslant, obliquity, 217.
    to prepare, 673.Asleep, inactivity, 683.
    to settle, 723.Aslope, obliquity, 217.
Arrangement, order, 58.Aspect, appearance, 448.
    music, 415.    state, 7.
Arrant, greatness, 31.    feature, 5.
Array, order, 58.    situation, 183.
    series, 69.    relation, 9.
    dress, 225.    of thought, 453.
    prepare, 673.Asperge, sprinkle, 337.
    beauty, 845.Asperity, roughness, 256.
    multitude, 102.    tartness, 895.
    assemblage, 72.    anger, 900.
Arrears, debt, 806.
Arrest, stop, 265.
    imprison, 751.
    commit, 969.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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