Asperse, detraction, 934. | Astute, wisdom, 498. |
Asphyxiate, killing, 361. | Asunder, separate, 44. |
Aspirate, voice, 580. | distant, 196. |
Aspire, rise, 305. | disjunction, 44. |
desire, 865. | Asylum, retreat, 666. |
project, 620. | hospital, 662. |
Ass, beast of burden, 271. | defence, 717. |
fool, 501. | Asymmetry, disorder, 59, 243. |
Assagai, arms, 727. | Asymptote, convergence, 290. |
Assail, attack, 716. | Ataraxia, insensibility, 823. |
plain, 830. | A tâtons, experiment, 463. |
Assailant, opponent, 710. | Atelier, workshop, 691. |
attacker, 716, 726. | Athanor, furnace, 386. |
Assassinate, killing, 361. | Atheism, irreligion, 988. |
Assault, attack, 716. | Athirst, desire, 865. |
Assay, experiment, 463. | Athletic, strength, 159. |
Assemble, assemblage, 72. | Athletics, training, 673. |
Assembly-room, sociality, 892. | At-home, sociality, 892. |
Assent, agree, 488. | Athwart, oblique, 217. |
consent, 762. | crossing, 219. |
Assert, affirm, 535. | opposing, 708. |
claim as a right, 924. | Atlantes, support, 215. |
Assess, measure, 466. | Atlantis, visionary, 515. |
judge, 480. | Atlas, support, 215. |
price, 812. | strength, 159. |
Assessor, adviser, 695. | maps, 554. |
Assets, property, 780. | Atmosphere, air, 338. |
money, 800. | circumambience, 227. |
Asseverate, affirm, 535. | Atoll, island, 346. |
Assiduous, activity, 682. | Atom, small in degree, 32. |
Assign, attribute, 155. | in size, 193. |
give, 784. | Atomiser, spray, 353, 337. |
Assign, allot, 786. | Atonality, melody, 413. |
duty, 926. | At once, transientness, 111. |
Assignat, money, 800. | Atone, atonement, 952. |
Assignation, sociality, 892. | Atonement, religious, 976. |
Assignment, allotment, 786. | reward, 973. |
commission, 755. | Atony, weakness, 160. |
Assimilate, resemble, 17, 144. | A tort et à travers, obstinacy, 606. |
imitate, 19. | Atrabilious, dejection, 837. |
agree, 23. | Atrocious, vice, 945. |
Assist, aid, 707. | guilt, 947. |
benefit, 906. | Atrophy, shrinking, 195. |
Assistant, auxiliary, 711. | disease, 655. |
Assize, measure, 466. | Attach, join, 43. |
tribunal, 966. | love, 897. |
Associate, accompany, 88. | legal, 969. |
unite, 43. | Attaché, servant, 746. |
mixture, 41. | consignee, 758. |
assemble, 72. | Attachment, see Attach. |
friend, 890. | Attack, attack, 716. |
society, 892. | Attain, arrive, 292. |
Association, relation, 9. | succeed, 731. |
Assoil, free, 750. | Attainable, possible, 470. |
acquit, 970. | easy, 705. |
Assonance, similarity, 17. | Attainder, condemnation, 971. |
poetry, 597. | Attainment, learning, 539. |
Assort, arrange, 60. | Attar, fragrance, 400. |
Assortment, class, 75. | Attemper, mix, 41. |
collection, 72. | moderate, 174. |
Assuage, physically, 174. | Attempt, undertaking, 676. |
morally, 826. | Attend, accompany, 88. |
relieve, 834. | follow, 281. |
Assume, suppose, 514. | apply the mind, 457. |
evidence, 467. | be present, 186. |
hope, 858. | Attendant, servant, 746. |
right, 924. | Attention, attention, 451, 457. |
insolence, 739, 885. | Attentions, courtesy, 894. |
pride, 878. | courtship, 902. |
falsehood, 544. | kindness, 906. |
Assumption, qualification, 469. | Attenuate, lessen, 36. |
severity, 739. | contract, 195. |
Assurance, assertion, 535. | narrow, 203. |
promise, 768. | Attest, bear testimony, 467. |
certainty, 474. | indicate, 550. |
belief, 484. | adjure, 768. |
hope, 858. | Attestation, record, 551. |
insolence, 885. | Attic, garret, 191. |
Assuredly, positively, 31. | high, 206. |
safety, 664. | wit, 842. |
Asterisk, indicatior, 550. | taste, 850. |
Astern, rear, 235. | Atticism, wit, 842. |
Asteroid, world, 318. | Attila, bane, 663. |
Asteroth, deity, 979. | evil-doer, 913. |
Asthenia, weakness, 160. | Attire, vestment, 225. |
Astigmatism, dim-sightedness, 443. | Attitude, posture, 183, 240. |
Astonish, wonder, 870. | circumstance, 8. |
Astonishing, great, 31. | Attitudinise, affectation, 855. |
Astound, surprise, 870. | Attorney, consignee, 758, 769. |
excite, 824. | in law, 968. |
Astræa, right, 922. | Attract, bring towards, 288. |
Astral, world, 318. | please, 829. |
immaterial, 317. | allure, 865. |
Astray, deviation, 279. | Attractive, beautiful, 845. |
Astriction, junction, 43. | pleasing, 829. |
Astride, support, 215. | lovely, 897. |
Astringent, contraction, 195. | Attrahent, attraction, 288. |
Astrology, prediction, 511. | Attribute, power, 157. |
Astronomy, world, 318. | Attribution, attribution, 155. |
Astrophysics, world, 318. |