Attrition to Azygous
Table of contents
Attrition, friction, 331.Aux abois, death, 360.
Attroupement, assemblage, 72.    danger, 665.
Attune, music, 415.Aux aguets, care, 459.
    prepare, 673.Avail, use, 677.
Aubade, music, 415.    utility, 644.
Auburn, brown, 433.Avalanche, fall, 306.
Au courant,, knowledge, 490.    debâcle, 348.
Auction, sale, 796.Avant-courier, pioneer, 673.
Auctorial, book, 593.    precursor, 64.
Audacity, courage, 861.Avant-propos, precursor, 64.
    insolence, 863, 885.Avarice, parsimony, 819.
Au désespoir, pain, 828.Avast, quiescence, 265.
Audi alteram partem, evidence, 468.Avaunt, disappear, 449.
    right, 922.    depart, 293.
Audible, sound, 402.    repulse, 289.
Audience, hearing, 418.Avenge, revenge, 919.
    conversation, 588.Avenue, method, 627.
Audiphone, hearing, 418.Aver, affirmation, 535.
Audit, accounts, 811.Average, mean, 29.
    numeration, 85.    ordinary, 82.
Audition, hearing, 418.Avernus, hell, 982.
Auditor, hearer, 418.Averse, unwilling, 603.
    accounts, 811.    repugnant, 616.
Auditory, hearing, 418.Aversion, dislike, 867.
Au fait, knowledge, 490.    hate, 898.
Au fond, truth, 494.Avert, hindrance, 706.
Auger, perforation, 262.Aviary, collection, 370, 636.
Aught, part, 51.Aviation, locomotion, 267.
    whole, 50.Avidity, desire, 865.
Augment, to increase, 35.    avarice, 819.
    thing added, 39.Avifauna, animals, 366.
Augmentation, expansion, 194.Avocation, business, 625.
Augur, predict, 507, 511.Avocation, diversion, 840.
    soothsayer, 513.Avoid, shun, 623, 867.
Augury, prediction, 511, 512.A volonté, will, 600.
August, repute, 873.Avouch, affirmation, 535.
Augustine, clergy, 996.Avow, assert, 535.
Au pied de la lettre, truth, 494.    assent, 488.
    meaning, 516.    disclose, 529.
Aura, touch, 380.Avulsion, separation, 44.
    emanation, 295.    extraction, 301.
Aureate, yellowness, 436.Await, future, 121.
Aureolin, orange, 439.    impend, 152.
Au revoir, departure, 292.Awake, excite, 824.
Auricular, hearing, 418.    incite, 615.
Aurora, light, 420.    active, 682.
    dawn, 125.    attentive, 457.
Auroral, rosy, 434.    careful, 459.
Auscultation, hearing, 418.Award, lawsuit, 969.
Auspices, patronage, 175, 707.    decision, 609.
Auspicious, hopeful, 858.Aware, knowledge, 490.
    prosperous, 734.Away, absence, 187.
    expedient, 646.Awe, wonder, 870.
    opportune, 134.    fear, 860.
Auster, wind, 349.Aweless, courage, 861.
Austere, harsh taste, 395.Awe-struck, fear, 860.
    severe, 739.Awful, great, 31.
    discourteous, 895.    fearful, 860.
    ascetic, 955.Awhile, transientness, 111.
Austromancy, prediction, 511.Awkward, unskilful, 699.
Authentic, truth, 494.    vulgar, 851.
Authenticate, record, 551.    ridiculous, 853.
Author, producer, 164.    difficult, 704.
    writer, 590.Awl, perforator, 262.
Authoritative, certain, 474.Awn, bristle, 253.
    peremptory, 741.Awning, tent, 222.
Authority, power, 737.    dwelling, 189.
    command, 741.    height, 210.
    right, 924.Awry, oblique, 217.
    permission, 760.    distorted, 243.
    testimony, 467.Axe, edge tool, 253.
    sign, 500.    weapon, 727.
Autobiography, description, 594.    for beheading, 975.
Autocar, vehicle, 272.Axinomancy, prediction, 511.
Autochthonous, inhabitant, 188.Axiom, maxim, 496.
Autocracy, severity, 739.Axiomatic, truth, 494.
Autocrat, master, 745.    demonstrable, 469, 478.
Auto da fé (Sp.), burning, 384.Axis, rotation, 312.
    execution, 972.    length, 200.
Autograph, warranty, 467.    support, 215.
    signature, 550.    centre, 223.
    writing, 590.Ay, yes, 488.
Autolycus, merchant, 797.    affirmation, 535.
Automatic, mechanical, 601.Aye, ever, 112.
    insensible, 823.Azimuth, direction, 278.
Autonomy, freedom, 748.    obliquity, 217.
Autopsy, vision, 441.Azoic, lifeless, 360.
Autotype, imitation, 19.Azure, blueness, 438.
    engraving, 558.Azygous, unity, 87.
Auxiliary, aid, 707.
    helper, 711.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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