Bearer, carrier, 271. | Beget, produce, 161. |
Bear-garden, arena, 728. | Beggar, petitioner, 767. |
Bearing, support, 215. | poor, 804. |
direction, 278. | Beggarly, mean, 643. |
meaning, 516. | vulgar, 876. |
demeanour, 692. | servile, 886. |
situation, 183. | vile, 940. |
Bearish, discourtesy, 895. | Begilt, ornament, 847. |
Bear-leader, teacher, 540. | Begin, beginning, 66. |
Beast, animal, 366. | Begin again, repetition, 104. |
Beast, blackguard, 895. | Beginner, learner, 541. |
Beastly, uncleanness, 653. | Beginning to end, from, whole, 50. |
Beat, strike, 716, 972. | completeness, 52. |
be superior, 33. | duration, 106. |
periodic, 138. | Begird, encircle, 227, 231. |
oscillation, 314. | Begone, depart, 293. |
agitation 315. | disappear, 449. |
crush, 330. | repel, 289. |
sound, 407. | Begrime, soil, 653. |
succeed, 731. | deface, 846. |
line of pursuit, 625. | Begrudge, refusal, 764. |
Beating, impulse, 276. | Beguile, deceive, 545. |
Beat down, chaffer, 794. | amuse, 840. |
insolence, 885. | Beguine, nun, 996. |
Beat hollow, superiority, 33. | Begum, nobility, 875. |
Beat off, defence, 717. | Behalf, advantage, 618. |
Beat time, chronometry, 114. | aid, 707. |
Beatify, enrapture, 829. | Behave, conduct, 692. |
sanctify, 987. | Behead, punish, 972. |
Beatitude, pleasure, 827. | Behest, command, 741. |
Beat up for, seek, 461. | Behind, in order, 63. |
Beau, fop, 854. | in space, 235. |
man, 373. | Behindhand, late, 133. |
admirer, 897. | adversity, 735. |
Beau-idéal,, beauty, 845. | shortcoming, 304. |
perfection, 650. | Behold, vision, 441. |
Beau-monde, fashion, 852. | Beholden, grateful, 916. |
nobility, 875. | obligatory, 926. |
Beau sabreur, hero, 861. | Behoof, good, 618. |
Beautify, ornament, 847. | Being, duty, 926. |
Beauty, beauty, 845. | Being, abstract, I. |
Beaver, hat, 225. | concrete, 3. |
Becalm, quiescence, 265. | Belabour, thump, 972. |
Because, attribution, 155. | buffet, 276. |
reasoning, 476. | Belated, late, 133. |
motive, 615. | confused, 491. |
Bechance, eventuality, 151. | Belaud, approbation, 931. |
Beck, rill, 348. | Belay, junction, 43. |
signal, 550. | Bel canto (It.), music, 415. |
mandate, 741. | Belch, ejection, 297. |
Beckon, signal, 550. | Beldam, old woman, 130. |
Becloud, darkness, 421. | hag, 913. |
Become, change to, 144. | Beleaguer, attack, 716. |
behove, 926. | Bel esprit, humorist, 844. |
Become of, event, 151. | Belial, demon, 980. |
Becoming, proper, 646. | Belie, falsify, 544. |
beautiful, 845. | misinterpret, 523. |
just, 922. | deny, 536. |
Bed, layer, 204. | disagreement, 24. |
support, 215. | Belief, credence, 484. |
lodgment, 191. | religious creed, 983. |
Bedabble, splash, 337. | Believer, piety, 987. |
Bedarken, darkness, 421. | Belike, probability, 472. |
Bedaub, cover, 222. | Bell, sound, 417. |
dirt, 653. | funeral, 363. |
deface, 846. | alarm, 669. |
Bedazzle, light, 420. | Belle, woman, 374. |
Bedeck, beauty, 845. | Belles-lettres, language, 560. |
Bedevil, derange, 61. | knowledge, 490. |
Bedevil, bewitch, 992. | Bellicose, warlike, 722. |
Bedew, moisture, 339. | Belligerent, warfare, 722. |
Bed-fellow, friend, 890. | Bellow, cry, 412. |
Bedight, beauty, 845. | complain, 839. |
Bedim, darkness, 421. | Bellows, wind, 349. |
Bedizen, beautify, 845. | Bell-shaped, globose, 249. |
ornament, 851. | concave, 252. |
Bedlam, insanity, 503. | Bell-wether, precursor, 64. |
Bedlamite, madman, 504. | Belly, receptacle, 191. |
Bedraggle, soil, 653. | interior, 221. |
Bed-ridden, disease, 655. | to bulge, 250. |
Bedstead, support, 215. | Bellyful, sufficiency, 639. |
Bee, agent, 690. | Belly-timber, food, 298. |
active, 682. | Belomancy, prediction, 511. |
Bee-line, direction, 278. | Belong to, related, 9. |
Bee-witted, folly, 499. | property, 717. |
Beefy, corpulent, 192. | attribute, 157. |
Beelzebub, Satan, 978. | duty, 926. |
Beery, drunken, 959. | Belong, inclusion, 76. |
Beetle, high, 206. | Beloved, favourite, 897, 899. |
projecting, 250. | Below, lowness, 207. |
Befall, eventuality, 151. | Belt, girdle, 247. |
Befitting, right, 926. | outline, 229. |
expedient, 646. | Belvedere, vision, 441. |
Befool, deceive, 503, 545. | Bemire, soil, 653. |
Before, precedence, 62. | Bemoan, lament, 839. |
Before Christ, period, 108. | Bemuddle, bewilder, 458. |
Beforehand, priority, 116, 132. | Bemuse, bewilder, 458. |
Befoul, uncleanness, 653. | Bench, support, 215. |
Beg, request, 765. | council, 696. |
Beg the question, evidence, 467. | tribunal, 966. |