Bencher, lawyer, 968. | Bespeak, indicate, 516. |
Bend, curve, 245. | hire, 755. |
angularity, 244. | earliness, 132. |
circle, 247. | request, 765. |
yield, 324, 725. | Bespeckle, variegation, 440. |
circuit, 311. | Bespotted, variegation, 440. |
obliquity, 217. | Besprinkle, mix, 41. |
descent, 806. | spirt, 296. |
deviation, 279. | Best, perfection, 650. |
stoop, 879. | to outwit, 545. |
Bend to, tend, 176. | Bestial, impurity, 961. |
habit, 613. | Bestir, activity, 682, 686. |
Bending, pliant, 324. | Bestow, giving, 784. |
Beneath, under, 207. | Bestraddle, sit, 215. |
unbecoming, 940. | Bestrew, disperse, 73. |
Benedick, marriage, 903. | Bestride, mount, 206. |
Benediction, approval, 931. | sit, 215. |
gratitude, 916. | Bestud, emboss, 250. |
worship, 990. | Bet, chance, 621. |
Benefaction, giving, 784. | Betake, business, 625. |
Benefactor, benevolence, 912. | Bête noire, few, 860. |
Benefice, churchdom, 995. | hate, 898. |
Beneficent, benevolence, 906. | Bethink, memory, 505. |
Beneficial, useful, 644. | Bethump, beat, 276. |
good, 648. | Betide, eventuality, 151. |
Beneficiary, clergy, 996. | Betimes, earliness, 132. |
Benefit, advantage, 618. | Betoken, indicate, 550. |
acquisition, 775. | predict, 511. |
benevolence, 906. | Betray, disclose, 529. |
Benevolence, kindness, 906. | deceive, 545. |
tax, 812. | dishonour, 940. |
Benighted, ignorance, 491. | appear, 446. |
Benignant, benevolence, 906. | Betroth, promise, 768. |
Benison, approbation, 931. | Betrothed, affianced, 897. |
Bent, direction, 278. | Better (to), improvement, 658. |
inclination, 602. | Between, interjacence, 228. |
desire, 865. | Betwixt, interjacence, 228. |
tendency, 176. | Bevel, obliquity, 217. |
intentions, 629. | Bever, food, 298. |
affections, 820. | Bévue, failure, 732. |
Bent on, willing, 602. | Bevy, assemblage, 72, 102. |
resolved, 604, 620. | Bewail, lamentation, 839. |
desirous, 865. | Beware, warn, 668. |
Ben trovato (It.), probable, 472. | afraid, 862. |
falsehood, 544. | Bewilder, confuse, 458. |
deception, 545. | mislead, 538. |
Benumb, cold, 383. | perplex, 519, 528. |
general insensibility, 376. | astonish, 870. |
tactual insensibility, 381. | Bewildered, ignorant, 491. |
affective sensibility, 823. | Bewitch, please, 829. |
Be of, inclusion, 76. | exorcise, 992. |
Beplaster, cover, 222. | influence, 615. |
Bepraise, approbation, 931. | Bewray, disclose, 529. |
Bequeath, giving, 784. | Bey, master, 745. |
Bequest, gift, 784. | Beyond, distance, 196. |
acquisition, 775. | Bias, slope, 217. |
Bereave, take away, 789. | prepossession, 481. |
Bereavement, loss, 789. | tendency, 176. |
Bereft, poor, 804. | motive, 615. |
Berceuse, music, 415. | disposition, 820. |
Bergschrund (Ger.), interval, 198. | Bibacious, drunkenness, 959. |
Berlin, vehicle, 272. | Bibber, toper, 959. |
Berry, brown, 433. | Bibelot,, trifle, 643. |
Bersagliere (It.), combatant, 726. | Bible, revelation, 985. |
Berserker, combatant, 726. | Bibliography, list, 86. |
violence, 173. | book, 593. |
Berth, lodging, 189. | Bibliolatry, heterodoxy, 984. |
bed, 191. | Bibliology, book, 593. |
repose, 215. | Bibliomancy, prediction, 511. |
Beseech, request, 765. | Bibliomania, erudition, 490. |
pray, 990. | book, 593. |
Beseem, duty, 926. | Bibliophil, book, 593. |
Best, surround, 227. | Bibulous, spongy, 322. |
difficulty, 704. | drunken, 959. |
entreaty, 765. | Bicentenary, period, 138. |
beshrew, 908. | Bicentric, duality, 89. |
by the side of, 216. | Bicker, flutter, 315. |
Beshrew, curse, 908. | discord, 713. |
Beside, except, 83. | quarrel, 720. |
accompaniment, 216. | Biscuspid, bisection, 91. |
Beside oneself, insanity, 503. | Bid, order, 741. |
Beside the mark, irrelation, 10. | offer, 763. |
Besides, addition, 37, 88. | Bid for, bargain, 794. |
Besiege, attack, 716. | Biddable, obedient, 743. |
solicit, 765. | Bide, tarry, 133. |
Beslaver, flattery, 933. | remain, 142. |
Beslime, uncleanness, 653. | Bide one's time, futurity, 121. |
Beslobber, uncleanness, 653. | Bienséance, polish, 852. |
Besmear, soil, 653. | manners, 894. |
deface, 846. | Bier, interment, 363. |
Besmirch, soil, 653. | Bifacial, duplication, 90. |
deface, 846. | Bifarious, duality, 89. |
Besom, cleanness, 652. | Bifocal, duality, 89. |
Besotted, prejudiced, 481. | Bifold, duplication, 90. |
foolish, 499. | Biform, duplication, 90. |
Bespangle, ornament, 847. | bisection, 91. |
Bespatter, soil, 653. | Biformity, duality, 89. |
spoil, 659. | Bifrons, duality, 89. |
deface, 846. |
revile, 932. |
flatter, 933. |