Brim-full, sufficient, 639. | Brush up, memory, 505. |
Brinded, brown, 433. | Brushwood, plant, 367. |
Brindled, variegated, 440. | Brusque, discourteous, 895. |
Brine, salt, 392. | Brutal, vicious, 945. |
sea, 341. | ill-bred, 895. |
Bring, transfer, 270. | savage, 907. |
induce, 615. | Brutalise, harden, 823, 895. |
Bring about, cause, 153. | Brute, animal, 366. |
achieve, 729. | rude, 895. |
succeed, 731. | maleficent, 913. |
Bring forth, produce, 161. | Brute force, illegality, 964. |
Bring forward, manifest, 525. | Brute matter, materiality, 316. |
Bring home to, convince, 537. | inanimate matter, 358. |
adduce, 467. | Brutish, vulgar, 876. |
Bring in, price, 812. | intemperate, 954. |
Bring into, existence, 1. | Brutum fulmen, impotence, 158. |
Bring off, deliver, 672. | laxity, 738. |
accomplish, 161. | Bubble, air, 353. |
Bring out, manifest, 525. | light, 320. |
publish, 531. | trifle, 643. |
Bring over, persuade, 484, 615. | error, 495. |
Bring to, restore, 658. | vision, 515. |
Bring under, subdue, 824. | deceit, 545. |
Bring up, educate, 537. | excitement, 824. |
Brink, edge, 230. | Buccaneer, thief, 792. |
Brink, on the of, nearly, 32. | Buck, to wash, 652. |
Brio (It.), vivacity, 682. | fop, 854. |
Brisk, quick, 274. | Buck up, hasten, 274. |
energetic, 171. | stimulate, 615. |
active, 682. | cheer, 836. |
prompt, 111. | Bucket, receptacle, 191. |
Bristle, sharpness, 253. | Buckle, to tie, 43. |
Bristle up, resentment, 900. | vinculum, 45. |
Brittle, brittleness, 328. | distort, 243. |
Broach, begin, 66. | Buckle to, apply oneself, 682. |
put forth, 535. | Buckle with, grapple, 720. |
Broad, space, 202. | Buckler, defence, 666, 717. |
indelicate, 961. | Buckram, hardness, 323. |
meaning, 516, 535. | affectation, 855. |
Broadcast, scattered, 73. | Bucolic, pastoral, 371. |
shed, 291. | poem, 597. |
Broad-minded, wisdom, 498. | Bud, beginning, 66. |
Broadside, side, 236. | to expand, 194. |
Broadside, cannonade, 716. | effect, 154. |
Broadsword, arms, 727. | graft, 300. |
Brobdignagian, size, 192. | Buddha, deity, 979. |
Brocade, ornament, 847. | Buddhism, heterodoxy, 984. |
Brochure, book, 593. | Budge, move, 264. |
Brogue, language, 560. | Budget, heap, 72. |
shoe, 225. | store, 636. |
Broidery, ornament, 847. | news, 532. |
Broil, heat, 382. | finance, 881. |
to fry, 384. | Buff, yellow, 436. |
fray, 720. | Buffer, defence, 717. |
Broken, weakness, 160. | fellow, 373. |
Broken-hearted, unhappy, 828. | Buffet, cupboard, 191. |
Broken-winded, fatigue, 688. | beat, 276, 972. |
Broker, agent, 758, 769. | attack, 716. |
merchant, 797. | Buflo (It.), the drama, 599. |
Brokerage, pay, 812. | Buffoon, humorist, 844. |
Bronze, brown, 433. | butt, 857. |
sculpture, 557. | actor, 599. |
Brooch, fastening, 45. | Buffoonery, amusement, 840. |
Brood, posterity, 167. | ridiculous, 856. |
Brood over, think, 451. | Bugaboo, fear, 860. |
mope, 837. | Bugbear, fear, 860. |
Brook, stream, 348. | alarm, 669. |
to bear, 821, 826. | imaginary, 515. |
Broom, cleanness, 652. | Buggy, vehicle, 272. |
Broth, food, 298. | Bugle, instrument, 417. |
Brothel, impurity, 961. | war-cry, 722. |
Brother, kin, 11. | Buhl, variegation, 440. |
similar, 17. | Build, construct, 161. |
equal, 27. | compose, 54. |
friend, 888. | Build upon, expect, 507, 858. |
Brougham, vehicle, 272. | Builder, producer, 164. |
Brouillerie, discord, 713. | Building, abode, 189. |
Brouillon, rough copy, 21. | Bulb, knob, 249. |
Brow, summit, 210. | projection, 250. |
edge, 230. | Bulbous, swollen, 194. |
Browbeat, intimidate, 860. | Bulge, convexity, 250. |
swagger, 885. | Bulk, whole, 50. |
Brown, colour, 433. | size, 192. |
Brownie, imp, 980. | Bulkhead, hindrance, 706. |
Brown study, reverie, 458. | Bulky, size, 192. |
Browse, feed, 296. | Bull, absurdity, 497. |
Bruise, hurt, 619. | error, 495. |
to injure, 649. | solecism, 568. |
Bruiser, fighter, 726. | law, 963. |
Bruit, publication, 531. | ordinance, 741. |
news, 532. | Bull-calf, fool, 501. |
Brumal, cold, 383. | Bulldog, courage, 861. |
Brummagem, spurious, 544. | Bullet, ball, 249. |
Brumous, foggy, 422. | missile, 284. |
Brunette, brown, 433. | arms, 727. |
Brunt, impulse, 276. | Bulletin, message, 532. |
attack, 716. | Bullion, money, 800. |
Brush, rapid motion, 274. |
to clean, 652. |
painting, 559. |
fight, 720. |
rough, 256. |