Bully, bluster, 885. | Burst forth, appear, 446. |
blusterer, 887. | sprout, 194. |
fight, 726. | Burst out, ejaculate, 580. |
frighten, 860. | Burst upon, inexpectation, 508. |
Bulrush, unimportance, 643. | Bury, inter, 363. |
Bulwark, defence, 717. | conceal, 528. |
refuge, 666. | Bus, vehicle, 272. |
Bumboat, ship, 273. | Busby, hat, 225. |
Bump, projection, 250. | Bush, branch, 51. |
thump, 276. | shrub, 367. |
Bumper, sufficiency, 639. | Bushel, receptacle, 191. |
Bumpkin, commonalty, 876. | Bushy, roughness, 256. |
Bumptious, insolent, 885. | Business, occupation, 625. |
Bunch, protuberance, 250. | event, 151. |
collection, 72. | topic, 454. |
Bundle, packet, 72. | action, 680. |
to move, 275. | barter, 794. |
Bung, stopper, 263. | Business-like, activity, 682. |
Bungalow, abode, 189. | order, 58. |
Bungle, unskilfulness, 699. | Buskin, dress, 225. |
Bungle, failure, 732. | drama, 599. |
Bungler, unskilful, 701. | Buss, ship, 272. |
Bunk, bed, 191. | kiss, 902. |
escape, 671. | Bustle, activity, 682. |
Bunker, obstruction, 706. | haste, 684. |
Bunkum, humbug, 545. | energy, 171. |
Bunting, flag, 550. | earliness, 132. |
Buoy, float, 320. | Busy, activity, 682. |
to raise, 307. | Busybody, activity, 682. |
to hope, 858. | But, exception, 83, 179. |
Buoyant, floating, 305. | counter-evidence, 468. |
levity, 320. | Butcher, evil-doer, 913. |
elastic, 325. | Butchery, killing, 361. |
hopeful, 858. | Butler, servant, 746. |
cheerful, 836. | Butt, aim, 620. |
Bur, rough, 256. | laughing-stock, 857. |
clinging, 46. | to push, 276. |
Burden, weight, 319. | to attack, 716. |
clog, 706. | Butt-end, end, 67. |
chorus, 104. | Butter, softness, 324. |
frequency, 136. | oiliness, 356. |
lading, 190. | to flatter, 933. |
care, 830. | Butter-fingers, bungler, 701. |
oppression, 828. | Butterfly, beauty, 845. |
Bureau, cabinet, 691. | fickleness, 605. |
office, 799. | Butt in, intervene, 228. |
Bureaucracy, direction, 693. | Button, knob, 250. |
Burgee, flag, 550. | to fasten, 43. |
Burgeon, expansion, 194. | fastening, 45. |
Burgess, citizen, 188, 373. | hanging, 214. |
Burglar, thief, 792. | trifle, 643. |
Burglary, stealing, 791. | Buttoned up, reserved, 528. |
Burgomaster, master, 745. | taciturn, 585. |
Burgrave, master, 745. | Buttonhole, ornament, 847. |
Burial, corpse, 362. | Buttonholer, weariness, 841. |
Buried, depth, 208. | Buttons, servant, 746. |
Burin, engraving, 559. | Buttress, defence, 717. |
Burke, kill, 361. | Buxom, plump, 192. |
destroy, 162. | comely, 845. |
suppress, 528. | cheerful, 836. |
Burlesque, imitation, 19. | Buy, purchase, 795. |
travesty, 21. | Buyer, merchant, 797. |
drama, 599. | Buzz, sound, 409, 412. |
ridicule, 856. | to publish, 531. |
ridiculous, 853. | news, 532. |
Burletta, the drama, 599. | Buzzard, fool, 501. |
Burly, size, 192. | By and by, transientness, 111. |
Burn, heat, 382. | By the by, opportunity, 134. |
consume, 384. | Bye, departure, 293. |
passions, 821. | sequestered, 893. |
rivulet, 348. | By fits and starts, disorder, 59. |
Burnish, polish, 255. | Bygone, former, 122. |
beautify, 845. | forgotten, 506. |
shine, 420. | By-law, legality, 963. |
Burnous, dress, 225. | By-name, misnomer, 565. |
Burrow, excavate, 252. | By-path, road, 627. |
lodge, 186. | Byssus, roughness, 256. |
Bursar, treasurer, 801. | Bystander, spectator, 444. |
Bursary, treasury, 802. | near, 197. |
Burst, explosion, 173. | By-way, road, 627. |
sound, 406. | Byword, maxim, 496. |
of anger, 900. | cant term, 563. |
paroxysm, 825. | contempt, 930. |
spree, 840. |