Cangue, shackle, 752. | Capriole, leap, 309. |
Canicular, heat, 382. | Capsize, inversion, 218. |
Canister, receptacle, 191. | wreck, 731. |
Canker, disease, 655. | Capsized, failure, 732. |
bane, 663. | Capstan, instrument, 633. |
deterioration, 659. | Capsule, vessel, 191. |
pain, 830. | tunicle, 222. |
Cankering, badness, 649. | Captain, master, 745. |
Cannibal, sinner, 949. | Caption, indication, 550. |
Cannon, arms, 727. | Captious, capricious, 608. |
collision, 276. | censorious, 932. |
Cannonade, attack, 716. | discourteous, 795. |
Cannoneer, combatant, 726. | Captivated, fascinated, 827, 897. |
Canny, cunning, 702. | Captivating, pleasing, 829. |
intelligent, 498. | lovely, 897. |
thrifty, 817. | Captive, prisoner, 754. |
Canoe, ship, 273. | Captivity, restraint, 751. |
Canon, rule, 80. | Capture, taking, 789. |
music, 415. | Capuchin, clergy, 996. |
precept, 697. | Caput mortuum, remainder, 40. |
priest, 996. | unclean, 653. |
Canonical, orthodox, 983A. | Car, vehicle, 272. |
Canonicals, holy orders, 999. | Carabineer, combatant, 726. |
Canonise, rites, 998. | Caracole, rise, 305. |
Canoodle, endearment, 902. | leap, 309. |
Canopy, height, 206. | journey, 266. |
roof, 210. | Carafe, receptacle, 191. |
covering, 222. | Carambole, impulse, 276. |
Canorous, resonant, 402. | Carapace, covering, 222. |
melodious, 415. | Caravan, vehicle, 272. |
Cant, neology, 563. | Caravansary, abode, 189. |
oblique, 217. | Carbine, arms, 727. |
hypocrisy, 544. | Carbonise, calefaction, 384. |
Cantankerous, discourtesy, 895. | Carboy, receptacle, 191. |
Cantata, music, 415. | Carcass, corpse, 362. |
Cantatrice, (It.), musician, 416. | Card, ticket, 550. |
Canted, obliquity, 217. | plan, 626. |
Canteen, receptacle, 191. | oddity, 857. |
feeding, 298. | to unravel, 60. |
Canter, move, 266. | Cardiac, remedy, 662. |
gallop, 274. | Cardigan, dress, 225. |
Canticle, music, 415. | Cardinal, important, 642. |
Cantilever, support, 215. | excellent, 648. |
Cantle, part, 51. | red, 434. |
Canto, poetry, 597. | dress, 225. |
Canton, region, 181. | priest, 996. |
Cantonment, location, 184. | Care, attention, 459. |
abode, 189. | pain, 828, 830. |
Canty, cheerfulness, 836. | custody, 751. |
Canvas, sail, 267. | Care for, desire, 865. |
Canvass, investigate, 461. | love, 642, 897. |
solicit, 765. | Careen, slant, 217, 306. |
Canyon, ravine, 198. | repair, 658. |
Canzonet, song, 415. | Career, business, 625. |
poem, 597. | conduct, 692. |
Caoutchouc, elasticity, 325. | Careful, caution, 864. |
Cap, hat, 225. | Careless, inattentive, 458. |
height, 206. | neglectful, 460. |
to be superior, 33, 194. | insensible, 823. |
Cap, to salute, 894. | Caress, endearment, 902. |
Capability, power, 157. | Caret, incomplete, 53. |
strength, 159. | to want, 640. |
facility, 705. | Care-worn, pain, 828. |
endowment, 5. | Cargo, goods, 798. |
Capacity, space, 180. | contents, 190. |
size, 192. | property, 780. |
endowment, 5. | materials, 635. |
power, 157. | large quantity, 31. |
intellect, 450. | Caricature, likeness, 19. |
aptitude, 539. | misrepresentation, 555. |
talent, 698. | ridicule, 856. |
wisdom, 498. | Caries, disease, 655. |
utility, 644. | Carillon, musical instrument, 417. |
office, 625. | Carking, pain, 828. |
Cap-à-pie, preparation, 673. | Carle, boor, 876. |
Caparison, vestment, 225. | Carmelite, clergy, 996. |
Cape, land, 342. | Carminative, remedy, 662. |
projection, 250. | Carmine, redness, 434. |
height, 206. | Carnage, killing, 361. |
cloak, 225. | Carnal, impure, 961. |
Caper, rise, 305. | irreligious, 988. |
leap, 309. | Carnation, redness, 434. |
dance, 840. | Carnival, amusement, 840. |
Capillary, thinness, 203, 205. | Carny, to coax, 615. |
Capital, excellent, 648. | Carol, music, 415. |
important, 642. | cheerful, 836. |
summit, 210. | Carouse, feast, 296. |
money, 800. | festivity, 840. |
wealth, 803. | drink, 959. |
Capitalist, wealth, 803. | Carp, disapprobation, 932. |
Capitation, numeration, 85. | Carpe diem, occasion, 134. |
Capitol, defence, 717. | Carper, detractor, 936. |
Capitular, clergy, 996. | Carpet, on the, preparation, 673. |
Capitulate, submission, 725. | Carrefour, road, 627. |
Capnomancy, prediction, 511. | Carriage, transference, 270. |
Capote, vestment, 225. | vehicle, 272. |
Capriccio (It.), caprice, 608. | gait, 264. |
Caprice, chance, 608. | aspect, 448. |
music, 415. | conduct, 692. |
Capricious, irregular, 139. | fashion, 852. |
whimsical, 608. |