Carrier, porter, 271. | Castrate, mutilate, 38, 44, 53. |
Carriole, vehicle, 272. | Castrated, weakened, 160. |
Carrion, carcass, 362. | purified. 652. |
foulness, 653. | Cast up, add, 85. |
Carronade, arms, 727. | happen, 151. |
Carroty, redness, 434. | eject, 297. |
Carry, support, 215. | Casual, by chance, 156, 621. |
transfer, 270. | irregular, 139. |
tend, 176. | mutable, 149. |
induce, 615. | uncertain, 475. |
Carry off, take, 789. | unmethodical, 59. |
steal, 791. | Casualty, event, 151. |
Carry on, conduct, 692. | chance, 156, 621. |
continue, 143. | Casualty, sophistry, 477. |
pursue, 622. | scruple, 485. |
Carry out, complete, 729. | ethics, 926. |
conduct, 692. | Casus belli, discord, 713. |
Carry through, complete, 729. | resentment, 900. |
conduct, 692. | Casus fderis, condition, 770. |
Cart, vehicle, 272. | Cat, scourge, 975. |
to transfer, 270. | to vomit, 297. |
Cartage, transference, 270. | Catachresis, metaphor, 521. |
Carte blanche, permission, 760. | misinterpretation, 523. |
liberality, 816. | Cataclysm, deluge, 348. |
Carte de visite, indication, 550. | convulsion, 146. |
Carte du pays, plan, 626. | redundance, 641. |
Cartel, defiance, 715. | Catacomb, interment, 363. |
truce, 723. | Catafalque, interment, 363. |
security, 771. | Catalectic, poetry, 597. |
Cart-load, quantity, 31. | Catalepsy, quiescence, 265. |
abundance, 639. | Catalogue, list, 86, 551. |
Cartography, representation, 554. | Catalogue raisonné, list, 86. |
Cartoon, painting, 556. | Catalysis, decomposition, 49. |
Cartouche, scroll, 248. | Catamaran, vessel, 273. |
Cartridge, arms, 727. | Cataplasm, remedy, 662. |
Cartulary, record, 551. | Catapult, projection, 276, 284. |
Caruncle, convexity, 250. | arms, 727. |
Carve, sculpture, 557, 857. | Cataract, river, 348. |
to form, 240. | Catastrophe, end, 67. |
to produce, 161. | disaster, 619. |
disjunction, 44. | adversity, 735. |
Carver, artist, 559. | calamity, 830. |
Caryatides, support, 215. | Catch, take, 134, 789. |
Cascade, river, 348. | receive, 785. |
Case, state, 7. | learn, 539. |
sheath, 222. | gather meaning, 518. |
receptacle, 191, 232. | cheat, 545. |
Case, in good, stout, 192. | vinculum, 45. |
Case-harden, harden, 823. | Catch at, receiving, 785. |
strengthen, 159. | Catching, infectious, 657. |
train, 673. | Catch on, success, 731. |
Casemate, defence, 717. | Catch-penny, trumpery, 643. |
Cash, money, 800. | Catch-penny, false, 544. |
Cash register, numeration, 85. | Catchpoll, jurisprudence, 965. |
Cashier, to dismiss, 756. | Catch up, overtake, 292. |
treasurer, 801. | Catchword, formula, 80. |
Casino, sociality, 892. | Catechetical, inquiry, 461. |
Cask, receptacle, 191. | Catechise, inquiry, 461. |
Casket, receptacle, 191. | Catechumen, learner, 541. |
Casserole, receptacle, 191. | Categorical, true, 494. |
Cassock, dress, 225. | positive, 474. |
canonicals, 999. | demonstrative, 478. |
Cast, to throw, 284. | affirmative, 535. |
state, 7. | Category, class, 75. |
bias, 820. | state, 7. |
mould, 21. | Catenation, continuity, 69. |
form, 240. | Cater, provision, 637. |
to throw down, 308. | Caterwauling, ululation, 412. |
small quantity, 32. | Cates, food, 298. |
tinge, 428. | Cathedral, temple, 1000. |
aspect, 448. | Catholic, universal, 78. |
to peel, 226. | religion, 987. |
to condemn, 971. | broad-minded, 448. |
to allot, 786. | Catholicism, theology, 983. |
drama, 599. | Catholicity, generality, 78. |
Cast about, inquiry, 461. | broad-mindedness, 498. |
Castilian, poetry, 597. | Catholicon, remedy, 662. |
Cast anchor, stop, 265. | Cat-o'-nine-tails, scourge, 975. |
arrive, 293. | Catoptromancy, prediction, 511. |
Castanet, musical instrument, 417. | Cat's-cradle, crossing, 219. |
Castaway, lost, 732. | Cat's-paw, instrument, 631. |
to relinquish, 782. | Caucus, assemblage, 72. |
reprobate, 949. | Caudal, end, 67. |
sinner, 949. | Caudate, pendency, 214. |
Cast down, dejection, 837. | Cauldron, see, Caldron. |
Caste, class, 75. | Caulk, repair, 658. |
Castellan, keeper, 753. | Causality, cause, 153. |
servant, 746. | power, 157. |
Caster, receptacle, 191. | Causation, cause, 153. |
Cast forth, dispersion, 73. | agency, 170. |
Castigate, punish, 972. | Cause, source, 153. |
reprove, 932. | final, 620. |
Castle, defence, 717. | lawsuit, 969. |
Castle, edifice, 189. | Causeless, casual, 156. |
Castle-building, imagination, 515. | aimless, 621. |
Cast of the eye, squint, 443. | Causeur, talker, 588. |
Cast off, remainder, 40. | Causeway, road, 627. |
discard, 678. | Causidical, jurisprudence, 965. |
Castor, hat, 225. | Caustic, energetic, 171. |
Cast out, ejection, 297. | gruff, 895. |