Chaos to Chimera
Table of contents
Chaos, disorder, 59.Chaw-bacon, boor, 876.
    secret, 533.Cheap, low price, 815.
Chap, man, 373.    worthless, 643.
    fissure, 198.Cheapen, barter, 794.
Chap-book, book, 593.    depreciate, 483.
Chapel, temple, 1000.Cheat, deceiver, 548.
Chaperon, safety, 664, 753.Cheat, to deceive, 545.
    accompaniment, 88.Check, restrain, 174.
Chap-fallen, dejected, 837.    pacify, 826.
    abashed, 881.    slacken, 275.
Chaplain, clergy, 996.    counteract, 179.
Chaplet, circle, 247.    hinder, 706.
    dress, 225.    dissuade, 616.
    ornament, 847.    evidence, 467.
    trophy, 733.    ticket, 550.
Chapman, merchant, 797.    money order, 800.
Chaps, orifice, 66.    numerical, 85.
Chapter, part, 51.Checkmate, success, 731.
    topic, 454.Cheek, side, 236.
    book, 593.    insolence, 885.
    church, 995.Cheer, mirth, 836.
Char, calefaction, 384.    rejoicing, 838.
Char-à-banc, vehicle, 272.    amusement, 840.
Character, nature, 5.    pleasure, 827.
    disposition, 820.    to give pleasure, 830.
    state, 7.    relief, 834.
    letter, 561.    cry, 411.
    type, 591.    repast, 298.
    drama, 599.    applaud, 931.
    class, 75.Cheered, pleasure, 827.
    unconformity, 83.Cheerful, pleasurable, 836.
Character, out of, disagreement, 24.Cheerless, dejection, 830, 837.
Characterise, nomenclature, 564.Cheese-parings, remainder, 40.
Characteristic, special, 79.    parsimony, 819.
    intrinsic, 5.Chef, director, 694.
Charade, secret, 533.Chef-d'œuvre, masterpiece, 650.
Charcoal, fuel, 388.    capability, 648.
    black, 431.    master-stroke, 698.
Charge, business, 625.Chela, novice, 541.
    direction, 693.Chemise, dress, 225.
    advice, 695.Chemistry, conversion, 144.
    commission, 755.Cheque, money, 800.
    load, 639.Chequer, variegation, 440.
    order, 741.Cherish, love, 897.
    accusation, 938.    entertain, 820.
    attack, 716.Cheroot, tobacco, 298A.
    price, 812.Cherub, angel, 977.
Charge, custody, 751.Chest, box, 191.
Chargé d'affaires, deputy, 759.    coffer (money), 802.
Charger, carrier, 271.Chesterfield, seat, 215.
Chariot, vehicle, 272.Chest-note, resonance, 408.
Charioteer, director, 694.Chestnut, brown, 433.
Charitable, giving, 784.    joke, 842.
    liberal, 816.Cheval de bataille, plea, 617.
    benevolent, 906.    instrument, 631.
Charity, giving, 784.Cheval-glass, mirror, 445.
    benevolence, 906.Chevalier d'industrie, thief, 792.
    bounty, 816.Chevaux de frise, defence, 717.
Charivari, loudness, 404.    spikes, 253.
    discordance, 413.Chevelure, hair, 256.
Charlatan, impostor, 548.Chevron, indication, 550.
    mountebank, 844.Chew, eat, 296.
Charlatanism, quackery, 545, 855.Chew the cud, thought, 451.
Charm, to please, 829.Chez soi, at home, 221.
    love, 897.Chiaroscuro (It.), shade, 424.
    motive, 615.Chibouque, tobacco-pipe, 351.
    to conjure, 992.Chicane, cunning, 702.
    spell, 993.Chicanery, sophistry, 477.
Charnel-house, interment, 363.    wrangling, 713.
Chart, representation, 554.Chicken, youth, 127.
Charter, privilege, 924.    weakness, 160.
    compact, 769.Chicken-hearted, cowardice, 862.
    security, 771.Chide, disapprobation, 932.
    commission, 755.Chief, principal, 642.
Chary, economical, 817.    master, 745.
    cautious, 864.Chieftain, master, 745.
Chase, pursue, 622.Chiffon, ornament, 847.
    follow, 281.Chignon, head-dress, 225.
    wood, 367.Child, youth, 129.
Chasm, discontinuity, 4, 70.    fool, 501.
    interval, 198.    offspring, 167.
Chassis, framework, 215.Childish, foolish, 499.
Chaste, simple, 849.    trifling, 643.
    good taste, 850.Child's play, unimportance, 643.
    pure, 960.Chiliad, numbers, 98.
    style, 576.    duration, 106.
Chasten, punish, 972.Chill, cold, 383.
    refine, 658.    discouragement, 616, 706.
    moderate, 826.Chilly, ungracious, 895.
Chastise, punish, 932, 972.Chime, resonance, 408.
Chat, interlocution, 588.    roll, 407.
Château, abode, 189.    repetition, 104.
Chatoyant, variegation, 440.    to harmonise, 413.
Chattels, goods, 635.Chime in with, agree, 23.
    property, 780.    conformity, 82.
Chatter, talk, 584.    assent, 488.
    cold, 383.Chimera, monster, 83.
Chatterbox, loquacity, 584.    error, 495.
Chauffeur, driver, 694.    imaginary, 515.
Chauvinistic, bellicose, 722.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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