City, abode, 189. | Cleave, adhere, 46. |
Civet, fragrance, 400. | sunder, 44, 91. |
Civic, urban, 189. | Cleek, club, 276. |
public, 372. | Clef, music, 413. |
Civicism, patriotism, 910. | Cleft, chink, 198. |
Civies, dress, 225. | Clement, lenient, 740. |
Civil, courteous, 894. | kind, 906. |
laity, 997. | pitiful, 914. |
Civilian, lawyer, 968. | Clench, see Clinch. |
non-combatant, 726A. | Clepsydra, chronometry, 114. |
Civilisation, courtesy, 894. | Clergy, clergy, 996. |
mankind, 372. | Clerical, churchdom, 995. |
Clack, talk, 588. | Clerk, scholar, 492. |
snap, 406. | recorder, 553. |
animal cry, 412. | writer, 590. |
Clad, dressed, 225. | agent, 758. |
Claim, demand, 741, 765. | Clerk, church, 996. |
right, 924. | Clerkship, commission, 755. |
Claimant, dueness, 924. | Cleromancy, prediction, 511. |
Clairvoyance, occult arts, 992. | Clever, skill, 698. |
insight, 490. | Cliché, stereotyped, 82. |
foresight, 510. | Click, snap, 406. |
Clamber, ascent, 305. | Client, dependant, 746. |
Clammy, semiliquid, 352. | Clientship, subjection, 749. |
Clamour, loudness, 404. | Cliff, height, 206. |
Clamp, to fasten, 43. | verticality, 212, 217. |
fastening, 45. | Climacteric, age, 128. |
Clan, class, 75. | Climate, region, 181. |
clique, 892. | weather, 338. |
Clandestine, concealment, 528. | Climax, summit, 210. |
Clang, loudness, 404. | in degree, 33. |
resonance, 408. | Climb, ascent, 305. |
Clank, stridor, 410. | Clime, region, 181. |
Clap, explosion, 406. | Clinch, snatch, 789. |
to applaud, 931. | fasten, 43. |
Clap on, addition, 37. | an argument, 478. |
Clapperclaw, beat, 972. | Clincher, confutation, 479. |
Claptrap, plea, 617. | Cling, cohere, 46. |
pretence, 546. | Clinic, medicine, 662. |
Clap up, restraint, 751. | Clink, resonance, 408. |
Claqueur, flatterer, 935. | prison, 752. |
Clarence, vehicle, 272. | Clinker, concretion, 321. |
Clarify, cleanness, 652. | Clinquant, ornament, 847. |
Clarinet, musical instrument, 417. | vulgarity, 851. |
Clarion, musical instrument, 417. | Clip, prune, 38. |
Clarity, transparency, 425. | contract, 195. |
perspicuity, 570. | shorten, 201. |
Clash, oppose, 708. | stammer, 583. |
disagree, 24. | Clipper, ship, 273. |
discord, 713. | swift, 274. |
contest, 720. | Clipping, part, 51. |
concussion, 276. | first-rate, 648. |
sound, 406. | Clique, party, 712. |
Clasp, to unite, 43. | sociality, 892. |
fastening, 45. | Cloaca, conduit, 350. |
entrance, 903. | foulness, 653. |
come close, 197. | Cloak, dress, 225. |
Class, category, 75. | conceal, 528. |
Class, to arrange, 60. | disguise, 546. |
learner, 541. | Clock, chronometry, 114. |
Classic, masterpiece, 650. | Clockwise, rotation, 312. |
Classical, taste, 578, 850. | Clockwork, instrument, 633. |
Classify, arrangement, 60. | Clod, earth, 342. |
Clatter, roll, 407. | fool, 591. |
Clause, part, 51. | Clod-hopper, boor, 876. |
passage, 593. | Clod-pated, folly, 499. |
condition, 770. | Clod-poll, fool, 501. |
Claustral, secluded, 893. | Clog, hindrance, 706. |
Clavichord, musical, 417. | boot, 225. |
Claw, hook, 633. | Clog-dance, dance, 840. |
to grasp, 789. | Cloister, temple, 1000. |
Clay, earth, 342. | seclusion, 893. |
corpse, 362. | Close, near, 197. |
tobacco-pipe, 351. | short, 201. |
Clay-cold, cold, 383. | narrow, 203. |
Claymore, arms, 727. | Close, dense, 321. |
Clean, unstained, 652. | tight, 43. |
entirely, 31. | similar, 17. |
Clean-handed, innocence, 946. | to shut, 261. |
Cleanse, purge, 652. | warm, 382. |
Clear, transparent, 425. | end, 67. |
light, 420. | to complete, 729. |
visible, 446. | thinking, 451. |
intelligible, 518. | taciturn, 585. |
perspicuous style, 570. | stingy, 819. |
to prepare, 673. | piece of land, 780. |
to free, 750. | house, 189. |
to vindicate, 937. | Close-fisted, parsimony, 819. |
to acquit, 970. | Close in upon, convergence, 290. |
innocent, 946. | Close with, arrive, 292. |
simple, 42. | combat, 720. |
easy, 705. | assent, 488. |
to pay, 807. | compact, 769. |
to pass, 302. | Closeness, junction, 43. |
Clear decks, preparation, 673. | Close quarters, nearness, 197. |
Clear of, distant, 196. | Closet, room, 191. |
Clear out, eject, 297. | Closure, closing, 261. |
Clear up, interpret, 522. | Clot, concretion, 46. |
Clearance, payment, 807. | density, 321. |
Clear-sighted, vision, 441. | earth, 342. |
shrewd, 498. |