Collate, compare, 464. | Come in for, obtain, 775. |
Collateral, relation, 11. | Come into existence, existence, 1. |
lateral, 236. | Come near, approach, 286. |
consequential, 467. | Come off, disjunction, 44. |
Collation, food, 299. | take place, 151. |
comparison, 464. | Come on, follow, 63. |
Colleague, auxiliary, 711. | defy, 715. |
co-operating, 709. | prosper, 731. |
Collect, assemble, 72. | Come out, egress, 294. |
take, 789. | Come over, induce, 615. |
Collect, acquire, 775. | Come to, whole, 50. |
learn, 539. | Come to the same thing, equality, 27. |
opine, 480. | Come up to, equal, 27. |
understand, 518. | Come up with, arrival, 292. |
prayer, 990. | Come upon, arrival, 292. |
Collectanea, assemblage, 72. | Comedian, the drama, 599. |
compendium, 596. | Comedy, drama, 599. |
Collected, calm, 826. | ridicule, 856. |
Collection, store, 636. | Comely, beauty, 845. |
assemblage, 72. | Comestible, food, 298. |
Collectivism, participation, 780. | Comet, wanderer, 268. |
Collectiveness, whole, 50. | Comfit, sweetness, 396. |
Collector, assemblage, 72. | Comfort, pleasure, 827. |
Colleen, woman, 374. | content, 831. |
College, school, 542. | relief, 834. |
Collide, see, Collision. | Comfortable, pleased, 827. |
Collier, ship, 273. | Comfortable, pleasing, 829. |
man, 373. | Comforter, deity, 976. |
Colligate, assemblage, 72. | Comfortless, unhappy, 828. |
Colligation, junction, 43. | Comic, witty, 842. |
Collimation, direction, 278. | ridiculous, 853. |
Collimator, optical instrument, 445. | Comitia, council, 696. |
Collision, approach, 286. | Comitium, assemblage, 72. |
percussion, 276. | council, 696. |
clashing, 179. | Comma, stop, 141. |
opposition, 708. | Command, order, 741. |
encounter, 720. | authority, 737. |
Collocate, arrange, 60. | Commandeer, impress, 744. |
assemble, 72. | Commander, master, 745. |
Collocution, interlocution, 588. | Commanding, dignified, 873. |
Collogue, confer, 588. | Commando (Port)., armed force, 726. |
Colloid, semiliquid, 352. | Comme il faut, taste, 850. |
Collop, part, 51. | fashion, 852. |
Colloquialism, solecism, 568. | Commemorate, celebration, 883. |
Colloquy, interlocution, 588. | Commence, beginning, 66. |
Collusion, deceit, 545. | Commend, approbation, 931. |
conspiring, 709. | Commensurate, accordant, 23. |
Colon, stop, 141. | adequate, 639. |
Colonel, master, 745. | Comment, reason, 476. |
Colonise, location, 184, 188. | interpret, 522. |
Colonnade, continuity, 69. | Commerce, interlocution, 588. |
Colony, settlement, 184, 188. | barter, 794. |
Colophon, end, 67. | Commination, threat, 909. |
Coloration, colour, 428. | Commingle, mixture, 41. |
Coloratura (It.), music, 415. | Comminute, pulverulence, 330. |
Colossal, size, 192. | disjunction, 44. |
height, 206. | incoherence, 47. |
Colour, hue, 428. | Commiserate, pity, 914. |
plea, 617. | Commissariat, provision, 298, 637. |
disguise, 545. | Commissary, consignee, 758. |
to blush, 434. | deputy, 759. |
Colourable, deceptive, 545. | Commission, business, 625. |
ostensible, 472. | consignee, 755. |
Colouring, meaning, 516. | fee, 809. |
exaggeration, 549. | Commissionaire, agent, 690. |
Colourless, achromatism, 429. | Commissioner, consignee, 758. |
Colours, standard, 550. | Commissure, junction, 43. |
decoration, 877. | Commit, act, 680. |
Colporteur, agent, 758. | delegate, 755. |
Colt, fool, 501. | imprison, 751. |
horse, 271. | arrest, 969. |
Column, series, 69. | Committee, directors, 693. |
height, 206. | council, 696. |
monument, 551. | assemblage, 72. |
cylinder, 249. | Commix, mixture, 41. |
troop, 726. | Commode, receptacle, 191. |
Coma, insensibility, 823. | Commodious, expedience, 646. |
Combat, contention, 720, 722. | Commodity, merchandise, 798. |
Combatant, contention, 726. | Commodore, master, 745. |
Combination, union, 48. | Common, ordinary, 82. |
Combinations, arithmetical, 84. | general, 78. |
dress, 225. | frequent, 136. |
Combine, join, 48. | plain, 344. |
syndicate, 778. | Commonalty, common, 876. |
Combustible, heating, 384. | Commoner, commonalty, 876. |
fuel, 388. | Commonplace, unimportant, 643. |
Come, arrive, 292. | hackneyed, 496. |
approach, 286. | Common-room, sociality, 892. |
happen, 151. | Common sense, intellect, 450. |
Come about, eventuality, 151. | wisdom, 498. |
Come after, sequence, 63. | Commons, commonalty, 876. |
Comeatable, accessible, 705. | food, 298. |
Come away, recession, 287. | Commonwealth, man, 373. |
Come before, precedence, 62. | Commotion, agitation, 315. |
Come by, acquisition, 775. | Commune, muse, 451. |
Come down, descend, 306. | converse, 588. |
cheapness, 815. | territorial division, 181. |
pay, 809. | Communicate, tell, 527. |
Come forth, existence, 1. | participate, 778. |
Come from, effect, 154. | join, 43. |