Corona, circularity, 247. | Couch, bed, 215. |
light, 420. | to lie, 213. |
Coronach, lamentation, 839. | to stoop, 306. |
Coronet, sceptre, 747. | lie in wait, 530. |
Corporal, officer, 745. | express, 566. |
Corporality, materiality, 316. | Couchant, horizontal, 213. |
Corporate, junction, 43. | Couci-couci, imperfection, 651. |
Corporation, association, 712. | Couloir, gully, 198. |
bulk, 192. | Council, senate, 696. |
Corporeal, materiality, 316. | ecclesiastical, 995. |
Corps, assemblage, 72. | Counsel, advice, 695. |
troops, 726. | Counsellor, adviser, 695. |
Corps de réserve, store, 636. | lawyer, 968. |
Corps diplomatique, consignee, 758. | Count, compute, 85. |
Corpse, body, 362. | expect, 507. |
Corpulent, size, 192. | believe, 484. |
Corpuscle, atom, 193. | estimate, 480. |
jot, 32. | signify, 642. |
Corpus delicti, guilt, 947. | lord, 875. |
Corradiation, focus, 74. | Countenance, face, 234. |
Corral, enclosure, 232, 752. | favour, 707. |
Correct, true, 494. | appearance, 448. |
reason, 476. | to approve, 931. |
virtuous, 944. | Counter, contrary, 14. |
style, 570. | against, 179, 708. |
to improve, 658. | Counter, number, 84. |
to censure, 932. | token, 550. |
to punish, 972. | table, 215. |
Corrective, remedy, 662. | shop-board, 799. |
Corregidor (Sp.), master, 745. | to retaliate, 718. |
Correlation, relation, 9. | Counteract, physically, 179. |
reciprocity, 12. | voluntarily, 708. |
Correspond, agree, 23. | hinder, 706. |
write, 592. | compensate, 30. |
Corridor, place, 191. | Counter-attraction, dissuasion, 616. |
passage, 627. | avoidance, 623. |
Corrie, hollow, 252. | Counterbalance, compensation, 30. |
Corrigible, improvement, 658. | Counterblast, counteraction, 179. |
Corrival, combatant, 726. | retaliation, 718. |
Corrivalry, contention, 720. | Counterchange, reciprocality, 12, 148. |
Corroborant, remedy, 662. | Countercharm, spell, 993. |
Corroborate, evidence, 467. | Countercheck, hindrance, 706. |
Corroboree, festivity, 840. | Counter-evidence, contrary, 468. |
Corrode, erode, 162, 659. | Counterfeit, simulate, 544. |
consume, 649. | imitate, 19. |
afflict, 830. | copy, 21. |
Corrosion, evil, 619. | Counter-irritant, counteraction, 179. |
Corrosive, acrid, 171. | Countermand, abrogation, 756. |
destructive, 649. | Countermarch, regression, 283. |
Corrugate, constrict, 195. | Countermark, indication, 550. |
narrow, 203. | Countermine, opposition, 708. |
rumple, 258. | Counter-movement, regression, 283. |
derange, 61. | Counter-order, abrogation, 756. |
Corrupt, foul, 653. | Counterpane, covering, 222. |
noxious, 649. | Counterpart, reverse, 14. |
evil, 619. | copy, 21. |
to spoil, 659. | match, 17. |
vicious, 945. | Counterplot, retaliation, 718. |
Corruptio optimi pessima, badness, 649. | plan, 626. |
Corruption, decomposition, 49. | Counterpoint, harmony, 413. |
Corsage, dress, 225. | Counterpoise, compensation, 30. |
Corsair, thief, 792. | Counterpoison, remedy, 662. |
Corse, corpse, 362. | Counter-project, retaliation, 718. |
Corset, dress, 225. | plan, 626. |
Corso (It.), arena, 728. | Counter-revolution, revolution, 146. |
Cortège, suite, 746. | Countersign, indication, 550. |
continuity, 39, 69. | Counter-subject, music, 415. |
Cortes, council, 696. | Counter-stroke, retaliation, 718. |
Cote, hut, 189. | Counter-tenor, melody, 413. |
Cortex, covering, 222. | Countervail, compensate, 28, 30. |
Coruscate, light, 420. | oppose, 179, 708. |
Corvée, compulsion, 744. | evidence, 468. |
Corvette, ship, 273. | Counterwork, opposition, 708. |
Corybantic, insanity, 503. | Counting-house, mart, 799. |
Coryphæus, leader, 745. | Countless, infinity, 105. |
Coscinomancy, prediction, 511. | Countrified, rural, 185. |
Cosmetic, remedy, 662. | Country, definite region, 181, 189. |
ornament, 847. | Countryman, inhabitant, 185. |
Cosmic, world, 318. | Counts, particulars, 79. |
Cosmogony, world, 318. | County, definite region, 181. |
Cosmography, world, 318. | Coup, action, 680. |
Cosmopolitan, world-wide, 78. | Coup de grâce, death-blow, 361. |
Cosmopolite, philanthropy, 910. | destruction, 162. |
Cosmorama, painting, 558. | Coup de grâce, completion, 729. |
view, 448. | end, 67. |
Cossack, combatant, 726. | pity, 914. |
Cosset, favourite, 899. | punishment, 972. |
Cost, price, 812. | Coup de main, violence, 173. |
Costermonger, merchant, 797. | action, 680. |
Costive, taciturn, 585. | Coup de maître, skill, 698. |
style, 576. | success, 731. |
Costly, dearness, 814. | Coup d'essai, essay, 675. |
Costume, dress, 225. | Coup d'état, action, 680. |
Cosy, comfortable, 827, 829. | plan, 626. |
Cot, abode, 189. | Coup de théâtre, appearance, 448. |
Coterie, party, 712. | ostentation, 882. |
sociality, 892. | Coup d'il, vision, 441. |
Cotillion, amusement, 840. | appearance, 448. |
Cottage, abode, 189. |
Cottar, inhabitant, 188. |
peasant, 876. |