Despot to Dictate
Table of contents
Despot, master, 745.Device, expedient, 626.
Despotism, arbitrariness, 964.    motto, 550.
    authority, 737.Devices, inclination, 602.
    severity, 739.Devil, Satan, 978.
Desquamation, divestment, 226.Devil, maleficent being, 913.
Dessert, food, 298.    culprit, 949.
Destination, fate, 152, 601.    seasoned food, 392.
    arrival, 292.Devilish, great, 31.
    intention, 620.    bad, 649.
Destiny, fate, 601.Devilry (or Deviltry), evil, 619.
    chance, 152.    cruelty, 907.
Destitute, insufficient, 640.    wickedness, 945.
    poor, 804.    sorcery, 992.
Destroy, demolish, 162.Devious, deviating, 245, 279.
    injure, 649.    different, 15.
    deface, 241.Devise, plan, 620, 626.
Destroyed, inexistence, 2.    imagine, 515.
Destroyer, ship, 272.    bequeath, 784.
Destruction, demolition, 162, 732.Devoid, empty, 640.
    evil, 619.    absent, 187.
Destructive, hurtful, 649.    not having, 776.
Desuetude, disuse, 614, 678.Devoir, courtesy, 894.
Desultory, discontinuous, 70.Devolution, delegation, 755.
    irregular, in time, 139.Devolve, transfer, 783.
    disordered, 59.Devolve on, duty, 926.
    multiform, 81.Devote, attention, 457.
    deviating, 149, 279.    curse, 908.
    agitated, 315.    employ, 677.
Detach, separate, 10, 44, 47.    consecrate, 873.
Detached, irrelated, 10, 47.Devoted, loving, 897.
    unity, 87.    friendly, 888.
Detachment, part, 51.    doomed, 152, 735, 828.
    army, 726.Devotee, pious, 988.
Detail, to describe, 594.    resolute, 604.
    special portions, 79.Devotion, piety, 987.
Detain, retention, 781.    worship, 990.
Detect, judgment, 480.    respect, 928.
Detective, inquiry, 461.    love, 897.
Detention, retention, 781.    disinterestedness, 942.
    imprisonment, 751.Devour, eat, 296.
Détenu, prisoner, 754.    destroy, 162.
Deter, dissuasion, 616.Devout, pious, 897.
Detergent, remedy, 662.Dew, moisture, 339.
    remedial, 656.Dew-pond, lake, 343.
Deteriorate, deterioration, 659.Dexter, right, 238.
Determinate, special, 79.Dexterous, skill, 698.
    exact, 474.Dey, master, 745.
    resolute, 604.Dhow, ship, 273.
Determination, resolution, 604.Diablerie, sorcery, 992.
    will, 600.Diabolic, malevolent, 907.
Determination, purpose, 604.    wicked, 945.
    judgment, 480.    bad, 649.
Determine, judge, 480.    satanic, 978.
    intend, 620.Diacoustics, sound, 402.
    direction, 278.Diadem, ensign, 747.
    resolve, 604.Diagnostic, intrinsicality, 5.
    designate, 79.    speciality, 79.
Determinism, necessity, 601.    discrimination, 465.
Detersive, cleanness, 652.Diagonal, oblique, 217.
Detest, hate, 867, 898.Diagram, representation, 554.
Detestable, bad, 649, 867.Diagraph, imitation, 19.
Dethrone, abrogation, 756.Dial, clock, 114.
Dethronement, anarchy, 738.Dialect, neology, 563.
Detonate, sound, 406.Dialectic, argumentation, 476.
    explode, 173.    language, 560.
Detour, circuit, 629.Dialogue, interlocution, 588.
    curvature, 245.Diameter, breadth, 202.
    deviation, 279.Diamond, lozenge, 244.
Detract, subduct, 38.    gem, 650.
    depreciate, 483.Diapason, melody, 413.
    censure, 932.Diaper, reticulation, 219.
    slander, 934.Diaphanous, transparent, 425.
Detractor, slanderer, 936.Diaphoresis, excretion, 298.
Detrain, arrival, 292.Diaphragm, partition, 228.
Detriment, evil, 619.    middle, 68.
Detrimental, hurtful, 649.Diary, record, 551.
Detritus, part, 51.    journal, 114.
    pulverulence, 330.Diastole, expansion, 194.
De trop, redundance, 641.    pulse, 314.
Detrude, cast out, 297.Diathermancy, calefaction, 384.
    cast down, 308.Diathesis, state, 7.
Detruncation, subduction, 38.    habit, 613.
    disjunction, 44.Diatonic, harmony, 413.
Deuce, duality, 89.Diatribe, disapprobation, 932.
    demon, 980.Dibble, perforator, 262.
Deuced, great, 31.Dicacity, insolence, 885.
Deus ex machina, helper, 711.Dice, chance, 156.
    wonder-worker, 994.Dichotomy, bisection, 91.
Deuterogamy, marriage, 903.    angularity, 244.
Devastate, destroy, 162.Dichroism, variegation, 440.
    injure, 649.Dicker, barter, 794.
Devastation, havoc, 659.Dicky, seat, 215.
Develop, cause, 153.Dictate, command, 741.
    produce, 161.    authority, 737.
    increase, 35.    enjoin, 615.
    expand, 194.    write, 590.
    evolve, 313.
Development, effect, 154.
Deviate, differ, 15.
    vary, 20.
    change, 140.
    turn, 279.
    diverge, 291.
    circuit, 629.
    bend, 245.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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