Dictator, master, 745. | Dine, to feed, 297. |
Dictatorial, severe, 739. | Ding-dong, repeat, 104. |
insolent, 885. | noise, 407. |
Dictatorship, authority, 737. | Dinghy, boat, 273. |
Diction, style, 569. | Dingle, hollow, 252. |
Dictionary, word, 562. | Dingy, dark, 421, 431. |
Dictum, maxim, 496. | dim, 422. |
affirmation, 535. | colourless, 429. |
command, 741. | grey, 432. |
Didactic, teaching, 537. | Dinner, food, 298. |
Diddle, deception, 545. | Dint, power, 157. |
Die, chance, 156. | instrumentality, 631. |
to expire, 2, 360. | dent, 257. |
cease, 141. | Diocesan, clergy, 996. |
Die for, desire, 865. | Diocese, churchdom, 995. |
Dies non, neverness, 107. | Diorama, view, 448. |
Diet, food, 298. | painting, 556. |
remedy, 662. | Dip, plunge, 310. |
council, 696. | direction, 278. |
Dietetics, remedy, 662. | slope, 217. |
Difference, difference, 15, 28. | dive, 208. |
discord, 713. | insert, 300. |
numerical, 84. | immerse, 337. |
Differential, number, 84. | Dip into, examine, 457. |
Differentiation, numeration, 85. | investigate, 461. |
difference, 15. | Diphthong, letter, 561. |
Differentiation, discrimination, 465. | Diploma, commission, 755. |
Difficile, troublesome, 704. | document, 551. |
Difficult, fastidious, 868. | Diplomacy, mediation, 724. |
Difficulty, hardness, 704. | artfulness, 702. |
question, 461. | negotiation, 769. |
Diffident, modest, 881. | Diplomatic, artful, 544, 702. |
fearful, 860. | tactful, 498, 698. |
Diffraction, curvature, 245. | Diplomatist, messenger, 534. |
Diffluent, liquefaction, 335. | Dipsomania, drunkenness, 959. |
Diffuse, style, 573. | craving, 865. |
disperse, 73, 291. | Dire, fearful, 860. |
publish, 531. | grievous, 830. |
permeate, 186. | hateful, 649. |
Dig, excavate, 252. | Direct, straight, 246, 628. |
deepen, 208. | to order, 737. |
poke, 276. | to command, 741. |
Digamy, marriage, 903. | to teach, 537. |
Digest, arrange, 60, 826. | artless, 703. |
think, 451. | Direction, tendency, 278. |
plan, 626. | course, 622. |
compendium, 596. | place, 183. |
Diggings, abode, 189. | management, 693. |
Dight, dressed, 225. | precept, 697. |
Digit, number, 84. | Directly, soon, 111. |
Digitated, pointed, 253. | towards, 278. |
Dignify, honour, 873. | Director, manager, 694. |
Dignitary, cleric, 996. | master, 745. |
Dignity, glory, 873. | teacher, 540. |
honour, 939. | Directorship, authority, 737. |
Digress, deviate, 279. | Directory, council, 696. |
style, 573. | list, 86. |
Dike, ditch, 198, 232. | Dirge, song, 415. |
defence, 666, 717. | lament, 839. |
Dilaceration, disjunction, 44. | funeral, 363. |
Dilapidation, destruction, 162. | Dirigible, air-ship, 273. |
deterioration, 659. | Dirk, arms, 727. |
Dilate, increase, 35. | Dirt, uncleanness, 653. |
swell, 194. | trifle, 643. |
lengthen, 202. | ugly, 846. |
rarefy, 322. | blemish, 848. |
style, 573. | Dirty, dishonourable, 940. |
discourse, 584. | Disability, impotence, 158. |
Dilatory, slow, 275. | Disable, weaken, 158, 160, 674. |
inactive, 683. | Disabuse, disclosure, 529. |
Dilemma, difficulty, 704. | Disadvantage, evil, 649. |
logic, 476. | inexpedience, 647. |
doubt, 485. | badness, 649. |
Dilettante (It.), scholar, 492. | Disaffection, hate, 898. |
taste, 850. | disloyalty, 940. |
Diligence, coach, 272. | Disagreeable, unpleasant, 830. |
activity, 682. | disliked, 867. |
Dilly-dally, irresolution, 605. | Disagreement, incongruity, 24. |
lateness, 133. | difference, 15. |
Dilution, weakness, 160. | discord, 713. |
water, 337. | dissent, 489. |
Diluvian, old, 124, 128. | Disallow, prohibit, 761. |
Dim, dark, 421. | Disannul, abrogate, 756. |
obscure, 422. | Disapparel, divest, 226. |
invisible, 447. | Disappear, vanish, 2, 449. |
Dimension, size, 192. | Disappoint, discontent, 832. |
Dimidiation, bisection, 91. | fail, 732. |
Diminish, lessen, 32, 36. | baulk, 509. |
contract, 195. | Disapprobation, blame, 932. |
Diminuendo (It.), music, 415. | Disarm, incapacitate, 158. |
Diminutive, in degree, 32. | weaken, 160. |
in size, 193. | Disarrange, derange, 61. |
Dimness, dimness, 422. | Disarray, disorder, 59. |
Dimple, concavity, 252. | undress, 226. |
notch, 257. | Disaster, evil, 619. |
Dimsighted, dimsightedness, 443. | failure, 732. |
foolish, 499. | adversity, 735. |
Din, noise, 404. | calamity, 830. |
repetition, 104. | Disavow, negation, 536. |
loquacity, 584. |