Disband, disperse, 73. | Discourtesy, rudeness, 895. |
separate, 44. | Discover, perceive, 441. |
Disbelief, doubt, 485. | find, 480. |
religious, 989. | solve, 462. |
Disbranch, disjunction, 44. | Discredit, disbelief, 485. |
Disburden, facilitate, 705. | dishonour, 874. |
disclose, 529. | Discreditable, vice, 945. |
Disburse, expend, 809. | Discreet, careful, 459. |
Disc, see Disk. | cautious, 864. |
Discard, dismiss, 624, 756. | prudent, 498. |
disuse, 678. | clever, 698. |
refuse, 764. | Discrepancy, disagreement, 24. |
thought, 452. | Discrete, separate, 44. |
repudiate, 773. | single, 87. |
Discern, behold, 441. | Discretion, wisdom, 498. |
Discernible, visibility, 446. | caution, 864. |
Discerning, wisdom, 498. | skill, 698. |
Discernment, wisdom, 498. | will, 600. |
Discerption, disjunction, 44. | care, 459. |
Discharge, emit, 297. | choice, 609. |
sound, 406. | Discrimination, distinction, 465. |
violence, 173. | difference, 15. |
propel, 284. | Discrimination, taste, 850. |
excrete, 299. | wisdom, 498. |
flow, 348. | Disculpate, vindicate, 937. |
duty, 926. | Discursive, moving, 264. |
acquit oneself, 692. | migratory, 266. |
observe, 772. | wandering, 279. |
pay, 807. | style, 573. |
exempt, 927. | dissertation, 595. |
accomplish, 729. | Discuss, reason, 476. |
liberate, 750. | inquire, 461. |
forget, 506. | reflect, 451. |
acquit, 970. | treat of, 595. |
Disciple, learner, 541. | eat, 296. |
Disciplinarian, master, 540. | Disdain, contempt, 930. |
martinet, 739. | indifference, 866. |
Discipline, order, 58. | fastidiousness, 868. |
teaching, 537. | Disdainful, proud, 878. |
training, 673. | Disease, illness, 655. |
restraint, 751. | Disembark, arrive, 292. |
punishment, 972. | Disembarrass, facilitate, 705. |
religious, 990. | Disembodied, immaterial, 317. |
Disclaim, deny, 536. | Disembody, decompose, 49. |
refuse, 764. | Disembogue, flow out, 348. |
repudiate, 756. | emit, 295. |
abjure, 757. | Disembowel, extraction, 300. |
Disclose, disclosure, 529. | Disenable, impotence, 158. |
Discoid, horizontality, 213. | Disenchant, dissuade, 616. |
Discolour, achromatism, 429. | Disencumber, facility, 705. |
to stain, 846. | Disendow, taking, 789. |
Discomfit, success, 731. | Disengage, detach, 44. |
Discomfiture, failure, 732. | facilitate, 705. |
Discomfort, pain, 828. | liberate, 750. |
Discommendation, blame, 932. | Disentangle, separate, 44. |
Discommodious, inutility, 645. | arrange, 60. |
hindrance, 706. | facilitate, 705. |
Discommodity, inexpedience, 647. | decipher, 522. |
Discompose, derange, 61. | Disenthral, liberate, 750. |
hinder, 706. | Disentitled, undueness, 925. |
put out, 458. | Disestablish, displace, 185. |
to vex, 830. | Disesteem, disrespect, 929. |
disconcert, 874. | censure, 932. |
Discompose, provoke, 900. | Disfavour, hate, 898. |
Disconcert, hinder, 706. | to oppose, 708. |
frustrate, 731. | Disfeature, deface, 241. |
distract, 458. | deform, 846. |
confuse, 874. | Disfigure, deface, 241. |
Disconcerted, inattention, 458. | deform, 846. |
Disconformity, disagreement, 24. | blemish, 848. |
Discongruity, disagreement, 24. | Disfranchise, disentitle, 925. |
Disconnect, disjunction, 44. | Disgorge, emit, 297. |
irrelation, 10. | restore, 790. |
Disconnected, confused, 519. | flow out, 348. |
Disconsolate, sad, 837. | Disgrace, shame, 874. |
grief, 828. | dishonour, 940. |
Discontent, dissatisfaction, 832. | Disguise, conceal, 528. |
Discontented, pain, 828. | falsify, 544. |
Discontinuance, cessation, 141. | deceive, 545. |
Discontinue, interrupt, 70. | mask, 530. |
relinquish, 624. | untruth, 546. |
Discord, disagreement, 24. | Disguised, in liquor, 959. |
dissension, 713. | Disgust, dislike, 867. |
musical, 414. | hatred, 898. |
Discordance, incongruity, 24. | offensive, 830. |
sound, 410. | weary, 841. |
dissent, 489. | taste, 395. |
Discount, abatement, 813. | Dish, plate, 191. |
to anticipate, 673. | food, 299. |
disregard, 460, 483. | to foil, 731. |
qualify, 469. | Dishabille, see Deshabille. |
Discountenance, refuse, 764. | Dishearten, dissuade, 616. |
disfavour, 706. | deject, 837. |
rudeness, 895. | Dished, failure, 732. |
Discourage, dissuade, 616. | Dishevelled, loose, 47. |
sadden, 837. | disordered, 61. |
disfavour, 706. | intermixed, 219. |
Discourse, talk, 588. | twisted, 248. |
speech, 582. | Dishonest, false, 544. |
dissert, 595. | faithless, 940. |