Dissuade, dissuasion, 616. | Dividend, part, 51. |
Distain, ugliness, 846. | number, 84. |
Distance, longinquity, 196. | portion, 786. |
to overtake, 282. | Divination, prediction, 511. |
to leave behind, 303, 732. | occult arts, 992. |
respect, 928. | Divine, Deity, 976. |
of time, 110. | clergyman, 983A, 996. |
Distant, far, 196. | to guess, 514. |
discourteous, 895. | perfect, 650. |
Distaste, dislike, 867. | Divining-rod, spell, 993. |
Distasteful, disagreeable, 830. | Divinity, Deity, 976. |
Distemper, disease, 655. | theology, 983. |
painting, 556. | Division, separation, 44. |
Distend, expansion, 194. | part, 51. |
Distended, size, 192. | class, 75. |
Distich, poetry, 597. | arithmetical, 85. |
Distil, evaporate, 336. | discord, 713. |
Distil, flow, 348. | distribution, 786. |
drop, 295. | Divisor, number, 84. |
Distinct, visible, 446. | Divorce, matrimonial, 905. |
intelligible, 516, 518, 535. | separation, 44. |
disjoined, 44. | Divulge, disclose, 529. |
Distinction, difference, 15. | Divulsion, disjoin, 44. |
discrimination, 465. | Dizen, beautify, 845. |
fame, 873. | ornament, 847. |
style, 574. | Dizzard, fool, 501. |
Distingué, repute, 873. | Dizzy, confused, 458. |
Distinguish, perceive, 441. | vertigo, 503. |
Distortion, obliquity, 217. | Do, act, 680. |
twist, 243, 555. | produce, 161. |
of vision, 443. | suffice, 639. |
perversion, 523. | complete, 729. |
ugliness, 846. | cheat, 545. |
Distracted, insane, 503. | Do away with, remove, 185, 678. |
confused, 491. | destroy, 162, 681. |
Distraction, inattention, 458. | Do for, injure, 659. |
amusement, 840. | defeat, 731. |
Distrain, seize, 789, 969. | kill, 361. |
Distrait, incogitancy, 452. | suit, 646. |
inattention, 458. | punish, 972. |
Distraught, see Distracted. | Do in, kill, 361. |
Distress, affiction, 828. | Do into, interpret, 522. |
cause of pain, 830. | Do like, imitation, 19. |
poor, 804. | Do over, cover, 222. |
Distribute, disperse, 73. | Do up, repair, 658. |
arrange, 60. | pack, 72. |
allot, 786. | Docetic, immateriality, 317. |
diverge, 291. | Docile, teachable, 539. |
District, region, 181. | willing, 602. |
Distrust, disbelief, 485. | Dock, cut off, 38. |
fear, 860. | diminish, 36. |
Disturb, derange, 61. | shorten, 201. |
alter, 140. | port, 189. |
agitate, 315. | yard, 636, 691. |
Disunion, separation, 44. | tribunal, 966. |
discord, 713. | incompleteness, 53. |
Disuse, unemployment, 678. | Docker, workman, 690. |
desuetude, 614. | Docket, indication, 467, 550. |
Ditch, conduit, 350. | Doctor, sage, 492. |
hollow, 252. | physician, 695. |
trench, 259, 343. | to restore, 660. |
Dither, shiver, 315, 383. | remedy, 658. |
Dithyrambic, poetry, 597. | Doctrinaire, ignoramus, 493. |
Ditto, repetition, 104, 136. | Doctrinal, teaching, 537. |
Ditty, music, 415. | Doctrine, tenet, 484. |
Diurnal, period, 108, 138. | knowledge, 490. |
Diuturnal, diuturnity, 110. | Document, record, 551. |
Divan, sofa, 215. | Dodge, oscillate, 314. |
council, 696. | pursue, 461. |
Divarication, divergence, 291. | deceive, 545. |
deviation, 279. | avoid, 623. |
difference, 15. | shift, 264. |
Dive, plunge, 310. | contrivance, 626. |
inquire, 461. | cunning, 702. |
Divellicate, disjoin, 44. | Doer, agent, 690. |
Divergence, variation, 20. | originator, 164. |
Divergence, difference, 15. | Doff, put off, 226. |
dispersion, 73. | Dog, to pursue, 622. |
separation, 291. | Dog-cart, vehicle, 272. |
disagreement, 24. | Dog-cheap, cheapness, 815. |
deviation, 279. | Dog-days, heat, 382. |
Divers, many, 102. | Doge, master, 745. |
different, 15. | Dogged, obstinate, 606. |
multiform, 81. | discourteous, 895. |
Diversified, varied, 15, 18, 20, 81. | Dogger, ship, 273. |
Diversion, amusement, 840. | Doggerel, verse, 597. |
Diversity, difference, 15. | Dogma, tenet, 484. |
dissimilarity, 18. | theological, 983. |
multiform, 81. | Dogmatic, obstinate, 606. |
Divert, turn, 279. | assertion, 535. |
amuse, 840. | intolerant, 481. |
abstract, 452. | Dog's-ear, fold, 258. |
Divertissement, drama, 599. | Dog-tired, fatigue, 688. |
Dives, wealth, 803. | Dog-trot, slowness, 275. |
Divest, denude, 226. | Doings, actions, 680. |
take, 789. | events, 151. |
Divest oneself of, leave, 782. | Doit, trifle, 643. |
Divide, separate, 44. | coin, 800. |
part, 51, 91. | Doited, insane, 503. |
apportion, 786. |