Drapery, clothes, 225. | Drink in, learn, 539. |
Drastic, energy, 171. | imbibe, 296. |
Draught, drink, 296. | Drip, ooze , 295. |
traction, 285. | flow out, 348. |
stream of air, 349. | Dripping, fat, 356. |
depth, 208. | Drive, impel, 276. |
abundance, 639. | propel, 284. |
remedy, 662. | repel, 289. |
cheque, 800. | urge, 615. |
Draughtsman, artist, 559. | pursue, 622. |
Draw, pull, 285. | fatigue, 688. |
attract, 288. | compel, 744. |
extract, 301. | airing, 266. |
induce, 615. | Drive at, intend, 620. |
delineate, 556. | mean, 516. |
equal, 27. | Drive in, insert, 300. |
unfinished, 730. | ingress, 294. |
money order, 800. | Drive out, ejection, 297. |
Draw back, regress, 283, 287. | Drivel, folly, 499. |
avoid, 623. | fatuity, 503. |
Drawback, hindrance, 706. | Driveller, fool, 501. |
imperfection, 651. | loquacious, 584. |
discount, 813. | Driver, director, 694. |
evil, 619. | Drizzle, distil,, 295. |
Drawbridge, escape, 671. | rain, 348. |
Drawcansir, blusterer, 887. | Droll, witty, 842. |
Drawee, money, 800. | odd, 853. |
Drawer, receptacle, 191. | Drollery, amusement, 840. |
money, 800. | Dromedary, carrier, 271. |
Drawers, dress, 225. | Drone, inactive, 683. |
Draw in, contract, 195. | slow, 275. |
Drawing, sketch, 556. | sound, 412. |
Drawing-room, room, 191. | Droop, sink, 306. |
Drawl, creep, 275. | flag, 688. |
prolong, 200. | weakness, 160. |
in speech, 583. | disease, 655. |
sluggish, 683. | sorrow, 828. |
Drawn, distorted, 217. | dejection, 837. |
Draw near, approach, 286. | decline, 659. |
time, 121. | Drop, fall, 306. |
Drawn game, equality, 27. | discontinue, 141. |
Draw on, event, 151. | expire, 360. |
entice, 615. | relinquish, 624. |
Draw out, extract, 301. | Drop, faint, 160. |
prolong, 200. | fatigue, 688. |
protract, 110. | flow out, 348. |
exhibit, 525. | spherule, 249. |
Draw together, assemble, 72. | small quantity, 32, 193. |
Draw up, writing, 590. | Drop astern, regression, 283. |
Dray, vehicle, 272. | Drop in, immerse, 300. |
Dread, fear, 860. | arrive, 292. |
Dreadful, great, 31. | Drop off, die, 360. |
fearful, 860. | Dropsical, swollen, 192. |
calamitous, 830. | redundant, 641. |
Dreadless, courage, 861. | Droshky (R.), vehicle, 272. |
Dreadnought, ship, 273. | Dross, dirt, 653. |
Dream, vision, 515. | trash, 643. |
unsubstantial, 4. | remainder, 40. |
error, 495. | Drought, insufficiency, 640. |
inactivity, 683. | Drove, assemblage, 72, 102. |
Dream of, think, 451. | Drown, kill, 361. |
intend, 620. | immerse, 300. |
Dreamy, inattentive, 458. | affusion, 337. |
Dreary, solitary, 87. | ruin, 731, 732. |
melancholy, 830. | Drowsy, slow, 275. |
Dredge, raise, 307. | inactive, 683. |
extract, 301. | weary, 841. |
collect, 72. | Drub, beat, 276. |
Dregs, refuse, 643. | punish, 972. |
dirt, 653. | Drudge, agent, 690. |
remainder, 40. | to work, 680. |
Drench, drink, 296. | to plod, 682. |
affusion, 337. | Drug, remedy, 662. |
redundance, 641. | superfluity, 641. |
Dress, clothe, 225. | trash, 643. |
prepare, 673. | Druid, priest, 996. |
fit, 23. | Drum, cylinder, 249. |
clip, 38. | music, 417. |
trim, 27. | sound, 407. |
Dresser, support, 215. | to repeat, 104. |
Dressing, punishment, 972. | Drum-head, tribunal, 966. |
Dress up, adorn, 845. | Drunk, ebriety, 959. |
scolding, 932. | Dry, arid, 340. |
Dressy, smart, 847. | style, 576. |
Dribble, flow out, 295. | thirsty, 865. |
drop, 348. | scanty, 640. |
Driblet, part, 51. | wit, 844. |
scanty, 193. | cynical, 932. |
Drift, direction, 278. | Dry up, waste, 638. |
meaning, 516. | Dry-nurse aid, 707. |
intention, 620. | teach, 537. |
approach, 286. | teacher, 540. |
to float, 267. | Dry-point, engraving, 558. |
to accumulate, 73. | Dry-rot, deterioration, 653, 659. |
Driftless, chance, 621. | Duality, duality, 89. |
Drill, auger, 262. | Dub, name, 564. |
to train, 673. | Dubious, uncertain, 475. |
teach, 537. |
pierce, 260. |
Drink, to swallow, 296. |
liquor, 298. |
to tipple, 959. |