Each, speciality, 79. | Edible, food, 298. |
Eager, ardent, 507, 821. | Edict, legality, 963. |
desirous, 865. | Edifice, abode, 189. |
active, 682. | Edify, build, 161. |
Eagle, swift, 274. | teach, 537. |
sight, 441. | piety, 987. |
standard, 550. | Edit, publish, 531. |
Eagre, tide, 348. | alter, 140. |
Ear, hearing, 418. | Editorial, dissertation, 595. |
Ear-deafening, loudness, 404. | Educate, teach, 537. |
Earl, nobility, 875. | train, 673. |
Earless, deaf, 419. | Education, learning, 490. |
Early, earliness, 132. | Educe, elicit, 525. |
Earn, acquire, 775. | Educt, remainder, 40. |
Earnest, intention, 620. | Edulcorate, sweeten, 396. |
strenuous, 682. | clean, 652. |
emphatic, 642. | Eel, convolution, 248. |
pledge, 771. | Eerie, unconformity, 83. |
pay in advance, 809. | Efface, obliterate, 552. |
eager, 821. | oblivion, 506. |
Ear-phone, hearing, 418. | disappear, 449. |
Ear-piercing, loud, 404. | Effect, consequence, 154. |
Ear-shot, nearness, 197. | to produce, 161. |
Earth, land, 342. | to complete, 729. |
ground, 211. | Effects, property, 780. |
world, 318. | goods, 798. |
Earth-born, commonalty, 876. | materials, 635. |
Earthly-minded, selfish, 943. | Effective, capable, 157. |
worldly, 988. | impressive, 821. |
Earthquake, violence, 146, 173. | real, 1. |
Ear-trumpet, hearing, 418. | Effectual, useful, 644. |
Earwig, to flatter, 933. | Effeminate, weak, 160. |
flatterer, 935. | sensual, 954. |
Ear-witness, evidence, 467. | timorous, 862. |
Ease, facility, 705. | Effendi, master, 745. |
relief, 834. | Effervesce, bubble up, 353. |
content, 831. | agitate, 315. |
in style, 578. | energy, 171. |
Easel, frame, 215. | violence, 173. |
painter's, 559. | excited, 825. |
Easy, slow, 275. | Effete, old, 124. |
Easy-going, inactive, 683. | weak, 160. |
Eat, swallow, 296. | useless, 645. |
Eatable, food, 298. | spoiled, 659. |
Eaves, projection, 250. | Efficacy, power, 157. |
Eaves-dropping, hearing, 418. | Efficiency, utility, 644. |
Ebauche, plan, 626. | Effigy, representation, 554. |
copy, 21. | copy, 21. |
Ebb, regress, 283. | Effleurer, skim, 267. |
decrease, 36. | slur over, 458. |
contract, 195. | IIF 631. |
waste, 638. | Efflorescence, pulverulence, 330. |
spoil, 659. | Effluence, egress, 295. |
Eblis, demon, 980. | Effluvium, odour, 398. |
Ebony, blackness, 431. | vapour, 334. |
Ebriety, drunkenness, 959. | Efflux, flow, 348. |
Ebullition, heat, 384. | Effort, exertion, 686. |
energy, 171. | Effrontery, insolence, 885. |
violence, 173. | Effulgence, light, 420. |
excitation, 825. | Effusion, outpouring, 295. |
Ecce signum, evidence, 467. | ejection, 297, 299. |
indication, 550. | speech, 582. |
Eccentric, irregular, 83. | Effusiveness, feeling, 821. |
exterior, 220. | Eftsoons, soon, 111. |
wrong-headed, 499. | early, 132. |
oddity, 857. | Egards, respect, 928. |
Ecclesiastic, clergy, 996. | Egg on, urge, 615. |
Ecervelé, insanity, 503. | Egg-shaped, round, 247, 249. |
Echappée, amusement, 840. | Ego, self, 13. |
Echappée belle, escape, 671. | Egotism, selfishness, 911, 943. |
Echelon, series, 69. | vanity, 880. |
Echo, repeat, 104. | Egregious, exceptional, 83. |
imitate, 19. | extravagant, 499. |
loudness, 404. | Egregiously, greatness, 31. |
resonance, 408. | Egress, emergence, 295. |
answer, 462. | Eidolon (Gr.), idea, 453. |
Eclaircissement, interpretation, 522. | Eirenicon, mediation, 724. |
Eclat, repute, 873. | Eisteddfod, assemblage, 72. |
Eclectic, choice, 609. | Either, choice, 609. |
Eclipse, hide, 528. | Ejaculate, propel, 284. |
darkness, 421, 422. | utter, 580. |
outshine, 33, 874. | Eject, displace, 185. |
Eclogue, poetry, 597. | emit, 297. |
Economy, order, 58. | Eke, addition, 37. |
plan, 626. | to complete, 52. |
conduct, 692. | spin out, 110. |
frugality, 817. | Elaborate, preparation, 673. |
Ecstasy, fancy, 515. | detail, 594. |
rapture, 821, 827. | Elan, ardour, 821. |
Ectype, copy, 21. | activity, 682. |
Edacity, gluttony, 957. | Elapse, pass, 122. |
Eddy, current, 348. | flow, 109. |
whirlpool, 312. | Elastic, resilient, 325. |
Eden, heaven, 981. | strong, 159. |
Edge, brink, 230. | Elate, to cheer, 836. |
energy, 171. | boast, 884. |
to move forward, 282. | Elbow, angle, 244, 258. |
to move sideways, 236. | projection, 250. |
to instigate, 615. | to push, 276. |
Edge-tool, sharpness, 253. |