Elbow-room, freedom, 748. | Embarrass, render difficult, 704. |
Elder, oldness, 124. | hinder, 706. |
age, 128. | perplex, 475, 528. |
veteran, 130. | hesitation, 485. |
Elect, choice, 609. | Embase, deterioration, 659. |
Election, necessity, 601. | Embassy, errand, 532, 755. |
choice, 609. | Embattled, arranged, 60. |
Elector, master, 745. | warfare, 722. |
voter, 609. | Embed, locate, 184. |
Electric, feeling, 821. | insert, 300. |
Electricity, velocity, 274. | Embellish, beautify, 845. |
Electrify, excite, 824. | ornament, 847. |
astonish, 870. | Embers, fuel, 388. |
energise, 171. | Embezzle, steal, 791. |
Electrocute, punish, 972. | Embitter, aggravate, 835. |
Electron, atom, 193. | deteriorate, 659. |
Electroplate, to cover, 222. | acerbate, 900. |
Electrotype, engraving, 558. | Emblazon, colour, 428. |
imitation, 19. | beautify, 845. |
Eleemosynary, giving, 784. | display, 882. |
Elegance, beauty, 845. | Emblem, indication, 550. |
in style, 578. | Embody, combine, 48. |
taste, 850. | compose, 54. |
Elegy, dirge, 415. | join, 43. |
plaint, 839. | form a whole, 5. |
Element, component, 56. | materialise, 316. |
matter, 316. | Embolden, encourage, 861. |
cause, 153. | hope, 858. |
rudimental knowledge, 490. | Embolism, insertion, 300. |
Elementary, simple, 42. | Embonpoint, size, 192. |
Elenchus, sophistry, 477. | Embosomed, middle, 68. |
Elephant, large, 192. | lodged, 184. |
carrier, 271. | begirt, 227. |
Elevation, height, 206. | Embossed, convex, 250. |
raising, 307. | Embouchure, opening, 260. |
plan, 554. | lipping, 415. |
improvement, 658. | Embrace, include, 76. |
of mind, 942. | compose, 54. |
style, 574. | enclose, 227. |
glory, 873. | courtesy, 894. |
Elevator, lift, 627. | endearment, 902. |
Eleventh hour, occasion, 134. | Embrasure, notch, 257. |
Elf, infani, 129. | Embrocation, remedy, 662. |
little, 193. | Embroider, beauty, 845. |
demon, 980. | ornament, 847. |
Elicit, manifest, 525. | exaggerate, 549. |
discover, 480. | Embroil, discord, 713. |
draw out, 301. | derange, 61. |
Elide, strike out, 552. | Embryo, cause, 153. |
Eligible, expedience, 646. | preparation, 673. |
Eliminate, exclude, 55. | beginning, 66. |
extract, 301. | Emendation, improvement, 658. |
weed, 103. | Emerald, green, 435. |
Elimination, subduction, 38. | Emerge, egress, 295. |
Elision, separation, 44. | Emergency, difficulty, 704. |
shortening, 201. | conjuncture, 8. |
Elite, perfection, 650. | event, 151. |
Elixir, remedy, 662. | Emeritus, retired, 757. |
Elixir vitæ, remedy, 662. | respected, 928. |
Ellipse, circularity, 247. | Emersion, egress, 295. |
Ellipsis, curtailment, 201. | Emeute, resistance, 716. |
style, 572. | Emigrant, traveller, 268. |
Ellipsoid, circularity, 247. | Emigrate, remove, 266. |
rotundity, 249. | egress, 295. |
Elocution, speech, 582. | Eminence, height, 206. |
Eloge, approval, 931. | fame, 873. |
Elongation, lengthening, 200. | Eminently, superiority, 33. |
distance, 196. | Emir, master, 745. |
Elope, escape, 671. | Emissary, messenger, 534. |
Eloquence, of style, 574. | consignee, 758. |
Eloquence, speech, 582. | Emission, ejection, 297. |
Else, addition, 37. | Emmet, little, 193. |
Elsewhere, absence, 187. | Emollient, remedy, 662. |
Elucidate, interpret, 522. | softness, 324. |
Elude, avoid, 623. | Emolument, acquisition, 775. |
escape, 671. | receipt, 810. |
palter, 773. | Emotion, feeling, 821. |
sophistry, 477. | Emotional, sensibility, 822. |
succeed, 731. | Empale, see Impale. |
Elusory, falsehood, 544. | Emperor, master, 745. |
Elysium, paradise, 981. | Emphasis, accent, 580. |
bliss, 827. | Emphatic, positive assertion, 535. |
Emaciation, contraction, 193. | style, 574. |
smallness, 195. | important, 642. |
slenderness, 203. | Empire, dominion, 737. |
Emanate, go out of, 295. | domain, 780. |
excrete, 299. | Empirical, tentative, 675. |
proceed from, 154. | Empiricism, experiment, 463. |
Emanation, odour, 398. | quackery, 545. |
Emancipate, free, 750. | Employ, use, 677. |
facilitate, 705. | commission, 755. |
Emasculate, weakness, 160. | business, 625. |
style, 575. | Employé, servant, 746. |
Embalm, preserve, 670. | agent, 758, 690. |
memory, 505. | Emporium, mart, 799. |
to perfume, 400. | Empower, power, 157. |
Embankment, defence, 717. | commission, 755. |
Embargo, prohibition, 706, 761. | permit, 760. |
stoppage, 265. |
Embark, depart, 293. |
engage, in, 676. |