Empressement, activity, 682. | Energy, physical, 171. |
feeling, 821. | strength, 159. |
Emprise, undertaking, 676. | style, 574. |
Emption, purchase, 795. | activity, 682. |
Empty, vacant, 187. | resolution, 604. |
transfer, 270. | Enervate, weakness, 160. |
insufficient, 640. | En famille, sociality, 892. |
unimportant, 643. | Enfant gâté, prosperity, 734. |
drain, 297. | favourite, 899. |
Empty-headed, ignorant, 491. | Enfant perdu, rashness, 863. |
Empyrean, sky, 318. | Enfant terrible, artlessnes, 703. |
blissful, 827, 829. | Enfeeble, weaken, 160. |
Emulate, rival, 708. | Enfilade, pierce, 260. |
imitate, 19. | pass through, 302. |
glory, 873. | Enfold, circumscribe, 231. |
Emulsion, semiliquidity, 352. | Enforce, urge, 615. |
Emunctory, conduit, 350. | compel, 744. |
Enable, power, 157. | require, 924. |
Enact, order, 741. | Enfranchise, liberate, 750, 924. |
a law, 963. | Engage, induce, 615. |
Enamel, painting, 556. | the attention, 457. |
smooth, 255. | in a pursuit, 622. |
adorn, 845, 847. | promise, 768, 769. |
Enamour, love, 897. | undertake, 676. |
En bloc, assent, 488. | Engagement, business, 625. |
Encage, circumscribe, 231. | contest, 720. |
restrain, 751. | promise, 768. |
Encamp, locate, 184, 265. | duty, 926. |
inhabit, 186. | Engaging, pleasing, 829. |
Encase, circumscribe, 231. | amiable, 897. |
Encaustic, painting, 556. | En garçon, celibacy, 904. |
Enceinte, region, 181. | Engender, produce, 161. |
enclosure, 232. | Engine, instrument, 633. |
pregnant, 168. | Engineering, means, 632. |
Enchain, bind, 43, 751. | Engirdle, circumjacence, 227. |
Enchant, please, 829. | Engorge, reception, 296. |
love, 897. | Engorgement, redundance, 641. |
conjure, 992. | Engraft, insert, 301. |
Enchiridion, book, 593. | join, 43. |
Encircle, begird, 227. | add, 37. |
Enclave, enclosure, 232. | teach, 537. |
Enclose, circumscribe, 231. | implant, 6. |
Enclosure, fence, 752. | Engrained, imbued, 5. |
space, 181. | combined, 48. |
Encomiast, flatterer, 935. | Engrave, mark, 550. |
Encomium, approval, 931. | on the memory, 505. |
Encompass, begird, 227. | Engraver, artist, 559. |
Encore, repetition, 104. | Engraving, engraving, 558. |
Encounter, meet, 292. | Engross, possess, 777. |
clash, 276. | write, 590. |
contest, 720. | the thoughts, 451. |
withstand, 708. | the attention, 457. |
Encourage, animate, 615. | Engulf, destroy, 162. |
aid, 707. | plunge, 310. |
embolden, 861. | swallow up, 296. |
hope, 858. | Enhance, increase, 35. |
comfort, 834. | improve, 658. |
Encroach, transgress, 303. | Enharmonic, harmony, 413. |
infringe, 925. | Enigma, secret, 533. |
Encrust, line, 224. | question, 461. |
coat, 222. | Enigmatic, concealed, 528. |
Encumbrance, hindrance, 704, 706. | obscure, 519. |
Encyclical, publication, 531. | uncertain, 475. |
Encyclopædia, knowledge, 490. | Enjambement, transcursion, 303. |
assembly, 72. | Enjoin, command, 741. |
generality, 78. | induce, 615. |
End, termination, 67, 154. | enact, 963. |
object, 620. | Enjoy, physically, 377. |
Endamage, injure, 659. | morally, 827. |
harm, 649. | possess, 777. |
Endanger, danger, 665. | Enkindle, induce, 615. |
Endeavour, attempt, 676. | Enlace, surround, 227. |
pursue, 622. | entwine, 219, 248. |
intend, 620. | Enlarge, increase, 35. |
Endemic, special, 79. | swell, 194. |
disease, 655, 657. | liberate, 750. |
Endimanché, ornament, 847. | in writing, 573. |
Endless, infinite, 105. | Enlighten, illuminate, 420. |
multitudinous, 102. | inform, 527. |
Endogamy, marriage, 903. | instruct, 537. |
Endorsement, evidence, 467. | Enlightened, wise, 498. |
sign, 550, 590. | Enlightenment, knowledge, 490. |
voucher, 771. | Enlist, commission, 755. |
ratification, 769. | engage, 615. |
approval, 931. | Enliven, amuse, 840. |
Endosmose, passage, 302. | cheer, 836. |
Endow, confer power, 157. | delight, 829. |
Endowment, gift, 784. | Enmesh, entwine, 219. |
capacity, 5. | Enmity, hate, 889. |
power, 157. | discord, 713. |
talent, 698. | Ennoble, glorify, 873. |
Endue, empower, 157. | Ennui, weariness, 841. |
Endure, time, 106. | Enormity, crime, 947. |
to continue, 142. | Enormous, in degree, 31. |
to last, 110. | in size, 192. |
event, 151. | Enough, much, 31. |
to bear, 821. | sufficient, 639. |
to submit, 826. | satiety, 869. |
Endways, length, 200. | Enough, well, smallness, 32. |
Enemy, enemy, 891. |
Energumen, madman, 503. |
fanatic, 515. |