En passant, method, 627. | Entremet, food, 298. |
irrelation, 10. | Entrench, defence, 717. |
journey, 266. | Entre nous, concealment, 528. |
En prince, generosity, 942. | Entrepôt, store, 636. |
Enrage, incense, 900. | mart, 799. |
provoke, 830. | Entrepreneur, organiser, 626. |
En rapport, agreement, 23. | Entresol, interjacence, 228. |
Enrapture, excite, 824. | Entrust, consign, 784. |
beatify, 829. | charge with, 755. |
love, 897. | Entry, ingress, 294. |
Enravish, beatify, 829. | beginning, 66. |
En règle, conformity, 82. | record, 551. |
En revanche, compensation, 30. | evidence, 467. |
Enrich, wealth, 803. | Entwine, join, 43. |
Enrobe, ivest, 225. | intersect, 219. |
Enrol, record, 551. | convolve, 248. |
Enrolment, list, 86. | Enumerate, number, 85. |
En route,, journey, 266. | Enunciate, publish, 531. |
Ens, essence, 1. | inform, 527. |
Ensample, prototype, 22. | voice, 580. |
Ensanguined, red, 434. | Envelop, invest, 225. |
Ensconce, safety, 664. | conceal, 528. |
Ensconce, conceal, 528. | Envelope, covering, 222. |
Ensemble, whole, 50. | enclosure, 232. |
Enshrine, memory, 505, 873. | Envenom, poison, 649. |
sanctify, 987. | deprave, 659. |
Enshroud, conceal, 528. | exasperate, 835. |
Ensiform, sharpness, 253. | Environs, nearness, 197. |
Ensign, standard, 550. | circumjacence, 227. |
officer, 726. | Envisage, view, 441. |
master, 745. | confront, 234. |
Enslave, subjection, 749. | intuition, 477. |
Ensnare, cheat, 545. | Envoy, messenger, 534. |
endanger, 665. | postscript, 39. |
Ensue, follow, 63. | Envy, jealousy, 921. |
happen, 151. | Enwrap, invest, 225. |
Ensure, certainty, 474. | Epanchement, sociality, 902. |
Entablature, summit, 210. | Epaulet, badge, 550. |
Entail, cause, 153. | decoration, 877. |
involve, 467. | Epaulet, ornament, 847. |
impose, 741. | Eperdu, excited, 824. |
Entangle, derange, 61. | Ephemeral, transient, 111. |
entwine, 219. | changeable, 149. |
disorder, 59. | Ephemeris, calendar, 114. |
embroil, 713. | record, 551. |
perplex, 528. | Epic, poem, 597. |
mixture, 41. | Epicedium, interment, 363. |
Entente cordiale, friendship, 888. | Epicene, exceptional, 83. |
concord, 714. | multiform, 81. |
Enter, go in, 294. | Epicure, sensual, 954. |
note, 551. | glutton, 957. |
accounts, 811. | fastidious, 868. |
Enter in, converge, 290. | Epicycle, circularity, 247. |
Enter into, component, 56. | Epicycloid, circularity, 247. |
Enterprise, pursuit, 622. | Epidemic, disease, 655. |
attempt, 676. | Epidermis, covering, 222. |
Enterprising, active, 682. | Epigram, wit, 842. |
courageous, 861. | Epigrammatic, pithy, 516. |
Entertain, amuse, 840. | Epigrammatist, humorist, 844. |
support, 707. | Epigraph, indication, 550. |
sociality, 892. | Epilepsy, convulsion, 315. |
an idea, 451, 484. | Epilogue, sequel, 65. |
Entertainment, repast, 298. | Episcopal, clergy, 995. |
Enter upon, begin, 66. | Episode, event, 151. |
Entêté, obstinate, 606. | Episodic, unrelated, 10. |
prejudiced, 481. | style, 573. |
Enthral, subdue, 749. | Epistle, letter, 592. |
delight, 829. | Epitaph, interment, 363. |
Enthrone, repute, 873. | Epithalamium (Gr.), marriage, 903. |
Enthusiasm, feeling, 821. | Epithem, remedy, 662. |
imagination, 515. | Epithet, nomenclature, 564. |
love, 897. | Epitome, compendium, 596. |
hope, 850, 858. | miniature, 193. |
Enthusiastic, sensibility, 822. | Epizootic, insalubrity, 657. |
excitability, 825. | Epoch, time, 113. |
Enthymeme, reasoning, 476. | period, 114. |
Entice, motive, 615. | Epopee, poetry, 597. |
Enticing, pleasure, 829. | Equable, right, 922. |
Entire, whole, 50. | Equal, equality, 27. |
complete, 52. | equitable, 922. |
Entirely, greatness, 31. | Equanimity, inexcitability, 826. |
Entitle, name, 564. | Equate, equality, 27. |
give a right, 924. | Equator, middle, 68. |
Entity, existence, 1. | Equerry, servant, 746. |
Entomb, inter, 231, 363. | Equestrian, traveller, 268. |
imprison, 751. | Equidistant, middle, 68. |
Entourage, environment, 227. | Equilibrium, equality, 27. |
retinue, 746. | steadiness, 265. |
Entrails, interior, 221. | Equip, dress, 225. |
Entrain, depart, 293. | prepare, 673. |
Entr'acte, interval, 106. | Equipage, vehicle, 272. |
Entrance, beginning, 66. | instrument, 633. |
ingress, 294. | materials, 635. |
fee, 809. | Equipoise, equal, 27. |
to enrapture, 824, 829. | Equipollent, equal, 27. |
to conjure, 992. | identical, 13. |
Entrap, deceive, 545. | Equiponderant, equal, 27. |
ensnare, 665. | Equitable, just, 922. |
Entreat, request, 765. | fair, 480, 939. |
Entrechat, leap, 309. | due, 924. |